Chapter 134: Danger (1/2)

Chapter 134: Danger

Aldrich watched as twin strands of green and red energy flowed out fro Crab

Evidently, Crab, unlike Merman, counted as a 'boss' type unit that needed Aldrich to channel his [Raise Undead]

However, Aldrich did not have to spend nearly as much health and mana to raise Crab as he did with Seismic

By the end of it, he was down to half of his health and nearly emptied of his e, but he did not want to use charges of his [Restorative Flask] just yet Not when he had so raves around him to replenish hiain

Aldrich, Valera, and Seise variant rose again, a green glow flashi+ng through its eye stalks

[Inner Circle: 44/49 ] 45/49]

"Raising the dead An interesting power," said Seisreen shrouded body "I fought a villain that could do that in Africa Nzambi An A-lister Took out her army But she could resurrect from any one of her zombies, no matter where it was

Hard to kill like a cockroach"

"I knew of her," said Aldrich Nzaroup of Nooing from city to city to take resources from with her Nomads and, when they died, their zombie forms

She was a anted terrorist and in her fifth year of abusing her powers, she received an Eliranted to Alters who threatened the stability of society and were thus to have their lives dee them of all access to banks, city access, and no consequences for anyone that killed or neutralized them

Eventually, Nzambi was taken out by Soloest Psychic type Psionic Alters in the world, to freeze her mind inside her current body so that she could not infinitely revive herself

Nzambi was one of the most notable Alters that could 'raise the dead', but she was not unique

Powers that affected corpses were not unknown They were just taboo a the AA and its heroes because very few heroes overcaenerated

As a result,necromancy usually became mercenaries or villains

"But my powers operate quite differently from hers," continued Aldrich "If you want to use her power as a benchht now that it's pointless"

"I figured," said Seismic "All I want you to tell me is this: do I have control over myself? My own free will?"

"Depends on how cooperative you are," said Aldrich flatly

"He It remained the same serious face as always

"Consider it the price for co is free in this world, after all," said Aldrich

"A fair price to pay," said Seislad you understand," said Aldrich genuinely He truly appreciated how quick Seiss were It showed how quickly he could adapt to new situations

Aldrich turned to Valera "Valera, use your shi+eld again Protect e And Seisroup with you soon, and together, we can take out the Locus if it hasn't moved yet"

"Gladly," said Seismic