Chapter 132: Restoring Seismic (1/2)
Chapter 132: Restoring Seismic
Aldrich smiled as he watched Valera stand over the corpse of Crab triumphantly He was proud of her
Proud of what she could do and hoell she could handle herself Seeing it firsthand made hi his forces
Valera was a veteran through and through in terround
She was a vampire noble born from a forbidden union between her va faction
Her lineage made her forever accursed in the eyes of her vaiven her an early life of royalty, once her father was killed through internal political strife, she had been sent off to the Nightshi+eld Order
Most third or fourth children of vahtshi+elds for they were too far down in the line of succession to claiuished warriors or, in Valera's case, as a Guardian Knight to protect a proper va her training, Valera had served a countess for a solid decade before the countess was assassinated and Valera was framed for the murder
After that point in time, she lost any seained a fierce reputation for killing anyone that was sent to apprehend her
All that had given Valera an instinctive understanding of how to fight and how to apply her co as it was inhis forces with Valera now
That would become quite important in the future as Aldrich would have to deal with the politics of the Alterhuency and Panopticon
He had already sowed seeds for his success by saving Minute hiood to have sos to when needed
'Valera-,' projected Aldrich telepathically as he put a finger to the side of his head He was about to praise her and tell her to start routing the last of the variants, but so immediately stopped him It was his heavily enhanced Perception stat that sensed it
A sort of preternatural danger avoidance instinct that immediately made Aldrich look up In the distance, across the horizon, he could see with his night vision an enor his way
Countless little red dots blinked around in this black cloud, granting it an oue of death
A loud buzzing huh the air - the unmistakable sound of a Class 5 Panopticon drone fleet
Or, as they were nicknauely insectoid outlines and the way their rotors and engines hu of flies
Bugs did not just come from the distance; they came from above as well They started to swarm around Aldrich's Storm, and as they approached, it became very evident that they were a hostile force
Barrels of guns were drawn out, as were the heads of missiles in racks ready to shoot outward
The Panopticon drones were operating purely in an automated fashi+on, and it was evident that they would not recognize Aldrich's undead variants as friends
"No, you don't," proclai the Stor field
A wave of blue energy pulsated outwards fro thicker and brighter until it cascaded past the stor wave that washed over hundreds of Bugs
The Bugs sputtered and crackled with electricity as the Storround in disabled droves
The Bugs then started toits disruption field threat, and instead ignored the Stors were individually rather weak drones, but their strength lay in their continuous learning network that allowed their many losses to continuously calibrate into battle data
In this way, Bugs were a self-learning force Though each one was individually weak, they could transmit battle data about their deaths and observations to all in their network, increasing their capabilities over tience operated drones, were not fully self-sufficient as per the Galatea Edict
The edict forbade all creation of AI that was or had the potential to become independent and sentient, for the world had already been threatened once by a techno's
Countless Bugs were probably already around the battlefield at this point, having swarles