Chapter 126: Bring Down The Thunder (1/2)
Chapter 126: Bring Down The Thunder
Aldrich flew above the battlefield at a fast-cruising speed, giving hi on
The left side of the battlefield was decisively in Aldrich's favor with the variants getting pushed back more and more by the second
This was entirely within Aldrich's expectations After all, the vast majority of his forces were there
Under a slew of hts of laser beae, the variants were nothing but fodder to add to the ly ed to survive until now
The Zoed in intense battle at a sufficiently high level where they were basically fighting by theiant and Crab clashi+ng with each other, not tovariants either got blown apart or squished if they even got near that
Crab seee it took against its shell into energy that boosted its strength and size That hy little red flecks of light gathered around its shell whenever it got hit by the Zoathered, the larger it seeht iant's twelve-hly pushed Crab back, but now, they were in a dead stale out shockwaves with each attack They were quite literally like two kaijus ahters, their each and everya fishrabbed crab's pincer in its two burly ar it off
In response, Crab retreated backwards, stoy onto its severed liathered around the wound, and then flesh and shell rapidly grew out of it, nearly as good as new, just a little bit thinner
The regeneration was not as fast or explosive as the Geist's, but any foreneration was a pain to deal hen an enehts
"Hrow too strong, though I assume there is a limit to the power"
"Shall we deal with that one first?" stated Volantis "Its bones are quiteit to my collection And it would serve our forces well to be rid of this creature"
"Crabs don't have bones," corrected Aldrich "But I get what youCrab out noould not be too hard, either, especially with Seismic here
However, I trust in Valera to deal with this herself She has command over all my forces here, after all, and she's shown herself very capable of handlings things without , this is another chance for her to prove herself against sudden threats without my assistance"
Valera had already sensed that Aldrich was leaving, which in turnmore undead to fill up the fifty fishht side of the battlefield
To coht side with the Geist and so the Geist's neurotoxic cloud to keep the variants froainst comparatively fewer nu the variant arht side of the battle zone, she would deal with Crab in her oay, Aldrich was sure of it
Trusting in Valera, Aldrich commanded Crow to soar at full speed over to the flyers Crow's six eyes glea a sonic boohter jet speeds