Chapter 119: The Perfect Moment (1/2)

Chapter 119: The Perfect Moates, and for good reason The ten sea anemone variants were still ready to fire, and all were ai anyone that caate to fend for their city

Just one person eed A lone woman that Aldrich very much realized, despite her old that clung to her body This was Mel Morales, rank 1 of Blackwater

She sprinted out of the gates with her blade drawn at speeds easily rivaling a speeding car, streaks of gold strea behind her like the tails of a comet Any fish through the crowd of fish in the air around her as she diced her way forwards, in the direction of the sea anemones

In response, Merly, sli a sea anemone

The mermen chanted and raised their arms to the air, and the sea anemone hidden inside its water dome fired off a pillar of hydroplase Instead, she actively ran into the beaness, broke apart into countless thin strands of bright blue light as it hit her body She raised her blade up, and the strands all swirled and gathered around it, turning the golden sword blue

With this, Mel fired off a series of ten swift slashes, sending out huge arcs of plasy with each strike She had completely reformed the unstable and explosive plasy

Each arc of energy sliced through all the fishe crowds of them into charred halves It did not matter whether they were fishmen, thickly armored crabmen, or slimy merround troops were not Mel's goal Her slashes were targeted strategically

Each of the ten plasma slashes crashed into the ten sea anemones several hundred ainst the doy chaotically exploded outwards into an area of effect boy

Since Mel had diverted the energy of one beah the water barrier protecting the off the mermaid variant crews thatthe sea ane them were now all reduced to charred corpse chunks, and with the the sea ane the sea anemone variants beneath

Their bodies consisted of large red, fleshy bulbs with flat, saucer shaped heads covered with hundreds of glowing blue energy infused tendrils

In response, the Mer for more merain But even as the ain, it was obvious that it would take some time for them to channel the water domes that both protected the anemones and fed them water as fuel

That hen the counterattack of the huan

An enormous musclebound man that must have stood alh into the air before slaround

His arrey bracers that mimicked the appearance of ceauntlets hit the earth, waves of visible seisy echoed in front of hi a directed earthquake that round in front of him undulate and lurch like it was made of liquid

All the hundreds of fishround lost their balance, and as they fell, the ground shattered Haven's uniform, smooth roads violently splintered apart into spikes of cracked earth, cement, and concrete that jutted upwards like stakes

Variants caught in this shockwave found themselves impaled on these upturned, spike-like rock forans had not been co the shockwaves in the first place

All in all, over two hundred variants lay dead fro out the entirety of the variants surrounding the gate Meanwhile, Mel took the energy of the shockwave and redirected it into a launching force on her feet that she used to retreat backwards, landing beside the giant hero

Aldrich recognized the bigger hero He was Seismic, one of the two A- rankers stationed in Haven

The other one, Hat Trick,it was no easy feat to take out an A ranker, even if they were in the (-) category

The huates now that the sea anemones cannons were temporarily disabled and the initial wave of fishmen directly outside the walls neutralized

Heroes that could fly streamed out from the top of the walls Hundreds of policemen and physically less capable heroes, technos,sizes and models, the hands and feet of their reen that indicated that could tether to the walls

Tanks rolled out froe fore ht uns, missiles, lasers, and several other weapons systems to deal with any type of threat flexibly

Around the tanks and the legs of the walkers, the non-flight capable heroes and police ran out, armed to the teeth with conventional firearms, personal explosives, and body armor if they were not in Franition This was a ht the hued out at once, the anemone cannons would have annihilated them

So, Mel was the first and only one to leave

This had the advantage of confusing the fishle defender to co out But when she proved a threat, it drew immediate panic from Merman, but even then, Merman exercised caution and only ordered one out of ten anemones to fire

However, Mer that single stream of plasma, she had shaped it into ten slashes to temporarily disable the anemones

With the ane his hty area of effect shockwaves to instantly clear out the variants surrounding the walls

This gave space for the rest of the human forces, especially their heavy units like tanks andblasted into bits while packed into the narrow choke point of the front gate

Seis heroes abused their aerial supremacy to unleash a massive medley of projectiles froy projectile rained down in varying levels of intensity