Chapter 114: {Culling The Weak} (1/2)
Chapter 114: {Culling The Weak}
Wait, stop!" said Moth yellow bellied cowards Net connection's up noe'll get Rocket Man to broadcast that all of you are leaving You think the people and police still here will take kindly to that? They'll tear you to pieces before the variants get to you!"
Racefiend paused before he spoke up "Any flyers here, if you want a fat bonus to your cred account, then coot family here or want to just die, then that's cool, that's all on you
But all of you that don't to suicide yourselves down there, I' ed at a basic office desk, and indeed, he was seated at the front by the controls, turned in his swiveling chair and pointed a stubby, accusing finger towards the leavers
"I have this recorded! You'll never be able to work as a hero again hat you've said here!" said Rocket Man "And neither will anyone that flies you out!"
Racefiend shrugged "Yeah, dunno, man This sht ain't it for me if I have to throay my life like that Liked the fame and the perks, but this, nah, it's not worth Plus thefor job opportunities down the road
Flyers too, they're always in demand No reason to die here It's just business"
"Let theo," said Seisht here It'll just drag us down"
"Glad we have an understanding," said Racefiend with a s smile behind his yellow thunderbolt themed visor He turned back to the door only to find that his as blocked by a girl
A irl that reached up to around his shoulders Not tall A little on the shorter side But her geardeal Her n with so v-shaped line that encompassed her eyes
She wore a white biker jacket stained in s loith pockets of yellow energy Around her waist were two utility belts with various pockets likely holding a wide range of gadgets and attached to that was a sheath of segmented white metal for a katana
"Huh? You want to join us?" said Racefiend "Can you fly?"
"All of you are fine not being heroes?" said the woh a htly
"Like I said,the bed like this, it'll only get better," said Racefiend "So nah, I' heroes" The woman unsheathed her blade, and it unclicked with a crackle and flash of golden energy In the next instant, her blade of crystalline gold swung out in a clean arc that traveled froh his shoulder
"Wh-," Racefiend ed out one last utterance before his body split at the cut, his two chunks falling onto the clean floor in a pile of blood and bared organs