Chapter 111: Leaving Minuteman (1/2)

Chapter 111: Leaving Minutewith the sound of clacking ain, the crowd stopped what they were doing to stare at him in awe All of them, well, those of them that had phones, had them in their hands, but they were turned off and by their sides, but it was obvious they had been using the Meant Net connectivity was back up The signal towers in Haven probably had finished auto-maintenance and rebooted after the storn that the crowd had been watching soht aa low-resolution video strea the projector immediately scrambled to turn it off as Aldrich entered

It was as if Aldrich was an incredibly well-respected professor who had justall the students scraive their full and undivided attention

Aldrich paused

"Turn that back on," said Aldrich

"H-huh?" said the man as he looked up at Aldrich

"Turn it back on It was a strea outside, wasn't it? I want to see," said Aldrich

"Y-yeah, sure," said the man nervously, intimidated under Aldrich's presence He turned the projector, a sphere-shaped s that could retract or stiffen like a tripod, on by tapping a circular button

A glowing blue dot centered in the projector lit up, and froain Fro the stream, Aldrich could deterest social iant social acorp

The strea circle at its center indicating that connectivity was slow It looked to be a personal stream, and when the strea recorded through a coround shot of thefish ahead, towards the towering walls of Haven's central district The forcefield covering it flickered, its one proud blue color noeak, almost translucent

They s bared and their claws snapping as they waited for the precious o down and they could have their feast of prey

"Net connectivity is back up!" shouted the streaht now froot this under control, but, but I don't think that's true Just look at how many variants there are! And, and, look at the forcefield, it's…it's al down!"

Just as the recorder finished that sentence, a large ruht burst down The drone captured a dozen pillars of spiraling plasht Froe point of the drone, the beah to easily engulf a house

The destructive force behind them must have been phenomenal

The beams smashed into the forcefield in one final volley, and where they contacted, they superheated the forcefield, turning its pale blue color white hot And with that, the forcefield flickered for one last time It broke apart under the final artillery volley for apart from where the beams struck it

"No, no, no!" shouted the streamer, his voice drenched in desperation "Anyone, anybody out there, if you see this, please, send so!?" shouted a man

"Where's the Panopticon!?" A woman joined in on the protest

"You know already that they are not here to defend theoing to leave us here!?" said a woh, how much we've been abandoned, don't be another one to leave us!"

"Don't go!" her child shouted with her

"Your safety will be guaranteed," said Aldrich "The variants are concentrated around the city center, so you are not under any ilers here and there, so stay here where it is safe I will have souard you

If you do as I say, I can guarantee that of you will lose your lives

In exchange, I want you to keep this streaan to step away from the crowd His hel his face, coether to fors sprouted fro majestically "I want you to bear witness Witness me as I save your city"