Chapter 109: Portal Girl (1/2)

Chapter 109: Portal Girl

"I see Hm" Aldrich put a hand to his chin as he looked down at Portal Girl's body "Do you have any idea of how she y? Her powers?"

"No I am too unfamiliar with the huths and weaknesses to such degree of accuracy All I can perceive so far is total strength, not the details of that strength," said Volantis

"You can use [Consus out better," said Aldrich As a Living Armor, Volantis possessed a racial skill called [Consumption] that allowed him to open up and devour a creature It also allowed hih vitality stat

By [Consue of them and restore his health

It was this ability that he used to steal the soul of Velus and kill the Alter On that note, it was a shame that Velus could not be raised as his body and soul were both thoroughly eviscerated His barrier-based power seemed particularly powerful

It also seeet a good grasp of how Alter poorked But even by absorbing just one Alter, he kne to identify Alter energy signatures with incredible tracking accuracy

"…" Volantis remained silent for an uncharacteristic moment, and Aldrich felt discontent from him in the same way that Volantis could sense Aldrich's own e?" said Aldrich

"My [Consuh to devour It is my principle to not stain my stomach with those whose who do not pass a certain threshold of strength," said Volantis

"I see," said Aldrich "You've been h for me so far I can respect that wish"

"Many thanks," stated Volantis

"And by the end of this night, I can assure you ill find a suitable foe for you to devour," said Aldrich

"Devouring that one, the one at the center of this huy swirls and swells like a pillar of ht would be a feast I would relish supremely," said Volantis "But I sense that you do intend to add that one to your army"

"Yeah," said Aldrich No doubt, Volantis was talking about the variant at the center of this attack The i even for Aldrich as he was now to put down

With a h unstoppable It was utterly iy inas much support as possible from the public

It would be flashy Climactic And, in the end, the final catalyst to raise Aldrich from a nameless nobody to one of the premiere forces in this entire country

But that was for later For now, Aldrich looked down at the girl and decided to raise her She was not fully dead yet, so Aldrich pushed his clawed fingers into her chest, piercing her heart with one quick and clean stab

The girl's soul reen, wispy orb

Aldrich flicked blood off his hand and then waved it up "Serve"

The soul fed back into the girl's body in wispy streay from Aldrich's necromancy traveled all around her body She shi+vered for a asped in a deep breath and sat up, i chest

"W-what happened?" said the girl, completely panicked "Where am I?"

"Panopticon bunker This should help-" said Aldrich

He waved his hand towards the girl's head

The girl's eyes glowed green for aher to retrieve her memories

By default, it see only their core personality traits Of course, Aldrich could allow his undead to retrieve their h there seemed to be differences in how effectively they could recall them

Fler'Gan, for example, could recall all of his memories with expert accuracy