Chapter 102: Incident Of A Certain Flight (1/2)

Chapter 102: Incident Of A Certain Flight

Above Haven City, at the edge of its Eastside district border -

"All this space, and to think that crazyto pack it full of Duds!" Rockshaper motioned around to the vast innards of the carrier plane around hi out see super craft

Even if this Carrier was an older rade during the peak of the Monstering, it still had everything needed to function in tense combat situations

Between the rows of seats were storage co medical supplies, rations, and weapons There were evenpeople in intensive care and, in cases where their injuries were so severe they needed to be preserved until they reached a proper hospital, life support stasis capability

Rockshaper's rimy chiseled face with set in brown eyes and short cropped black hair and messy stubble He unwrapped a chocolate flavored omnibar, a MRE snack packed with two thousand calories, and chewed into it

"And we got grub, too da incredible after all the sht I had to put up with Minuteman Hope that fucker dies," said Rockshaper

"We should have at least saved so forward in a char who, in a stroke of original brilliance, had a hero name of 'Cowboy'

Incidentally, he was one of four Sentries stationed in Southside, sentries being heroes at least C rank that oversaw the security of several neighborhoods in a city

Underneath them were lower ranked patrol heroes that roahborhoods, but most of them, at least in Southside's chronically underfunded and under-defended confines, were dead

The only ones alive were the higher-ranking Sentries and some C rankers from other parts of the city

"Funny to hear that co a sht Sentry, after all," said Rockshaper

"Yeah, can't deny that," said Cowboy "I just couldn't be assed to dopaid Plus, they were mostly Duds But that don't mean we had to leave all of eotten e back even one of them, and they're a potential witness to e did, and on't just be losing our hero licenses, we'll be rotting in villain jail for the rest of our lives if we don't get flat out executed first," said Rockshaper "A us all, you're the weakest It wouldn't be too hard to get rid of you like we did with Portal Girl and Sparkwire," said Rockshaper as he stepped in front of Cowboy threateningly

Cowboy put his leather gloved hands up in the air "No, no, don't got no probleuess it's true that it only takes a little pressure to get the right answer out of people," said Rockshaper with a s smile He strolled over to the cockpit where Co the plane

Sparkwire, or known as Miles as a civilian, had refused to pilot the plane and leave behind Minuteone, there was no need to keep Miles

It was a sha one, so ht costuo

But she had opposed Rockshaper, and that was it

There was an ever-dying breed of heroes nicknamed 'Goldies' that tried to represent the idealism and purethe supposed 'Golden age' of heroes, when Alters first donned costu coht villains not for theht

As far as Rockshaper cared, they were all idiots

There was a reason they were dying out

Vanguard was probably the last big Goldie with Valkyrie's retireo, probably sed up in a titan's nest somewhere

When survival was on the line, morals did not matter The Goldies did not understand this, and sothemselves

Case in point: Minuteman