Chapter 98: Minuteman (1/2)

Chapter 98: Minuteer and looked down at him The kid looked away, intimidated by Minuteman's powerfully built, navy blue uniformed body

"Kid, it's okay, I'ently, and the boy looked up at him The kid blinked in surprise as he looked into Minutely soft blue eyes

Those were not the eyes of a fighter or a killer, they were strangely doe eyed and round and innocent - an incredible contrast with Minuteman's muscled, trained body and scarred face

Pain and fear and anger were all mixed up in the kid's eyes, and all of that co that Minuteman was intiht?" said Minuteman

"Why the fuck do you care?" said the kid

"Because I kno much loss hurts I kno much it takes away from you, and I kno alone it makes you feel I know you don't know me, and I don't know you, but I'm still here to listen," said Minute out, "My ently put his dark red gloved hand on the kid's shoulder and bent down,his eye level He did not do ith basic condolences The 'I'm sorry for your loss' type of formality Those were empty words that just reminded those hurt about their loss

"Anyone left?" said Minuteman

"…My little sister," said the boy

"She here with you?" said Minuteman


"Then you can't afford to be up here lashi+ng out like this You're all she's got, and she's all you've got Down here, it isn't th, its yours

You've lost a lot, I know, but you still have soht for" Minuteman patted the kid's shoulder "Go back to your sister Keep her calht"

Minuteman smiled and pointed a thu"

The kid nodded and shuffled away, and Minuteman went back to the line of heroes They were all C rankers native to Haven A how they could survive so long

"All of you have co, correct?" said Minuteman

The heroes nodded in unison

"Then get theeveryone here," said Minuteman

"What!?" said Rockshaper "There's barely twenty of us, and two hundred of the that will take?"

"You have anything else better to do?" said Minuteain, and the ets the hangar and the carrier running, all of you need to keep these people cal them"