Chapter 92: Return Of The Lich (2/2)

Aldrich quickly dawned upon thedefensive position had been set up courtesy of Valera Undead fought at ground level with support froed firepower froher floor s and balconies where the human staff were safe from the neurotoxin

It looked like a scene out of a zombie infection movie where hardy survivors would stake out in an abandoned building to fend against unending hordes of zohting for survival

Aldrich was proud to see his undead work together like this, even without hi this without him He had full confidence now to trust Valera's decision rew

But yet, proud as Aldrich was, he did not want his undead to suffer the threat of these pests any longer

"Take care of all the vermin in the air," Aldrich said to Crow before He ju a massive fall down into the e, ariant crab variant that was angrily jabbing at his own mudcrabs

The crab splattered under Aldrich's fall, its shell co in as its white insides splashed everywhere Seeing Aldrich, his two ht

"Gehgeh!" The Geist clapped its hands in glee after caving in the skull of a nearby fishman

The troll chieftain roared and pu his chest at Aldrich's return All the undead variants joined in on this roar, the alpha striker howling, the grizzly roaring, the Bloodspitter lizard hissing, and so and so forth until a ht

To any hu symphony to hear as all the creatures that joined in were predators that did not shy away from the flesh of men

"About damn time!" Stella shouted as she punched into a fish the variant apart at the y? Steroids, too? You're all bulked up!"

"I appreciate the welcome, but all of you should step back Get back into the building," said Aldrich "I'll deal with the ver back up inside theAldrich alone and surrounded by hostile fishmen and their variant mounts and companions

The variants did not try to chase after Aldrich's undead Instead, they warily stood around Aldrich, trying to glean a sense of his strength after his threatening entrance

After a few seconds, they snarled and hissed, inching forwards, sensing no Ether energy froh his lack of observable poas a benefit for thewhen sht to even challenge hie of ashen white energy billowed out from hiround rumbled, and the variants had just a ed everywhere, skewering through the fish stakes of barbed, serrated bone that displayed their flailing, impaled corpses proudly in the air

Just like that, every single enemy in the courtyard had been killed All those outside saw their brethren struggling, spitting and choking on their blood as their death throes only made the barbed bone stakes hook into their bodies deeper, and immediately turned away in fear

Aldrich did not raise those he had killed He let the to all other variants that would dare to trespass that this would be their fate

Instead, Aldrich leaped into the air, above the stakes, and Crow ca down to pick Aldrich up with his talons Several corpses of flying variants skewered by giant black feathers fell froround below

"Good work," said Aldrich… "Now get me to the top floor"