Chapter 54: Alchemy (1/2)

Chapter 54: Alchemy

Aldrich and his undead ot started on He got Fler'Gan, Stella, and the eagle to get into the backseats of their ar the bloodspitter lizard and antlion was difficult because of how big they were, and Aldrich unfortunately had to tear off their body parts until they could fit into the trunk

Good thing was, as zombies, they did not really feel pain, so no harm really done

"I'll be back to drive in a bit," said Aldrich to Stella through the rolled down backseat"I need to talk to Valera"

He glanced over at Valera She was so and in withdrawal for blood due to her low health and constant exposure to combat He needed to deal with that, probably heal her for a bit longer with his [Anti-Life Shell]

"Got it, captain," said Stella "Have fun"

She whistled casually and rolled up the , though occasionally she would sneak back glances to see what Aldrich and Valera were up to

Aldrich walked up to Valera She had degings and a for, short sleeved white tunic There were still deep, visible wounds on her body Large streaks of torn flesh on her arh

"Are you alright? Here, let me heal you This should reen mist of his [Anti-Life Shell], but Valera turned and shook her head, putting a tight hand on his shoulder

"No, I don't want that" Valera looked at Aldrich longingly, her fangs protruding froht red lips Her lower lip trembled as she spoke "Master, may I…may I feed on you?"

"Are you sure? I re undead blood didn't suit you," said Aldrich

"Yes I hate, hate the taste of undead blood It tastes rotten and cold and, worst of all, it an Aldrich, but Valera put a pale finger to his lips as she drew closer, placing a hand on his chest She stared with hunger in her eyes at hily warentle

Vampires were seductive by nature Valera kept her instincts under control through strict knightly training that prevented her fro any real experience with men, but beneath all that, her instincts still made her know exactly how to tempt

"But if it's you, I don't mind When a vampire devotes themselves to someone Devotes themselves truly, body and mind and soul, then that blood beco else ever compares to it Not even the blood of those I rip li lore about vah known as seductive creatures that drew blood through charamous

When they coupled with an individual, they did so for life, hence why strict vaes existed

"I know that you do not like taking dae, you never have across all our many battles," continued Valera "That is why here, in this world, I have never asked to draw your blood Even now, I feel bad asking-,"

"Go ahead," said Aldrich "It's the least I can do to thank you"

A switch flipped on in Valera when Aldrich gave the okay, and any sense of reason she had just faded She wrapped herself around him as ht hug while she leaned against hiainst his

Her heavy, hot breathing landed on his neck, and she licked the cold, undead skin gently before she sunk her teeth in

Normally, a human would find themselves completely nu their fangs into them But as Aldrich was undead, he was immune to all those status effects

And because of his arisen purpose, he did not feel drawn to Valera He appreciated her, he truly did, but love and desire were not ely now Not until his purpose was fulfilled He put a hand on Valera's bare upper back, coo up

Surprisingly, Aldrich noted that Valera's health increased at breakneck speeds She was still at around fifty percent health, but within five seconds of draining Aldrich's blood, she was back to full, the huge ork of scars around her ar away

Valera drew back when she was full health Aldrich had lost a quarter of his health A near 2:1 health exchange ratio

Highly useful

Aldrich felt slightly bad thinking about the usefulness of this, especially when Valera considered it so to special to her, but he could not help it He had always been goal oriented, and as an undead, his goal of vengeance per and life

Valera drew back when she was full health and swayed and staggered, her eyelids heavy Gone was that brief flash of seductive confidence, replaced with inco drowsiness

"Ah, I drank too much," said Valera "I'm sorry, master"

"It's fine" Aldrich held Valera as she leaned into hi as she drifted off

"Master?" Valera whispered into Aldrich's ear, but judging by the sleepy tenor of her voice, it was hard to tell whether she was sleep talking or conscious


"Do you know that I want to be with you? Now and forever and ever?"

"I know" Aldrich paused aardly At the end of the day, he also had no experience o a permanent social outcast looked down in society as an unevolved waste of air "Thanks," he rew quiet, breathing in an even pattern that made it obvious she had fallen asleep Aldrich supported her to the car where he placed her in the front passenger seat and got ready to drive Valera instinctively leaned to her side, resting her head snugly on his shoulder

"Sooo, what happened back there, huh?" said Stella

"Once my alchemical laboratory has for a concoction that significantly increases your perfore in the Arcanist's Order has asked forhappened," said Aldrich with a shake of his head, though he did slightly smile at the banter

"Sure," said Stella with a raised brow of disbelief

"Talk all you want I'll just be driving," said Aldrich as he started the car
