Chapter 50: Sudden Attack (2/2)

Thus, I anition in all both sub fields of Potionology and Metae utterly useless now in this strange neorld With no ic and mana in the air, none of the flora, fauna, and ores I a with are present"

"I assu whether you can teach ic to work here, then you won't be lacking in raw materials for your alchemy anymore"

"You think correctly, O Elder" Fler'Gan's mouth tendrils quivered in anticipation "An old scholar friend of mine, before I was cast out of the Order, was an accomplished artificer and enchanter I requested a spell tome from him with the [Construct Base] spell imbued within it

I further tailored that spell so that it could conjure a s alchemical laboratory Yet without rawbut a study desk I require raw ic imbued within them for aical fields However, due to the constraints of gae could only specialize in up to three different sub fields of ic For Necro the dark arts

"Is it possible for you to create spell tomes for me?" said Aldrich

"Certainly," said Fler'Gan "But to create a toain require the appropriatefashi+oned froical creature Ink with the essence of hly lacking"

"H "Maybe you're not thinking wide enough There's a chance that your alchemy still works If you can create a laboratory, then you should still try to process materials from this world and see whether they can be used"

"You are correct, O Elder And that was most certainly my attention," said Fler'Gan "I simply require a more…permanent location to set up this laboratory of es of [Create Base] to utilize

That forest is too open an area to construct my laboratory within I would like a space more private and defensible"

"In time, I'll see to it that we settle down somewhere outside of that forest," said Aldrich

"Settling doith master, oh, hoonderful that does sound," said Valera

Fler'Gan stopped channeling [Flamethrower], and his three eyes narrowed down to slits

"What is it?" said Aldrich

"There are no more ants," said Fler'Gan "Or rather, they have fled This is quite the ominous developer to his te in on his Grave Ward He could not look sile undead he had at once At best, he could h two, maybe three different pairs of eyes

However, he placed specific triggers on his undead to link his sight to them such as if they encountered an Alter huer

Thus, while Aldrich was distracted talking with Fler'Gan, he was not linked with the Grave Ward

However, he was confident the Grave Ward would notify hi was out of the ordinary, and yet, when Aldrich checked in now, he could see that his Grave Ward was in fact dead

It had not died long ago It had fallen literally the second before Aldrich checked in on it

[Units Controlled: 20/22 ] 19/22]

Whatever had killed it had done so very recently, and roup now That hen Aldrich saw the tunnel around him start to shi+ft The entire place started to quake as the rocky ceiling and floor undulated like waves on water

"What is this phenomenon?" said Fler'Gan "It appears similar to a teleportation spell, and yet the the exact an with any foric I know"

"Master, with ht beside Aldrich, her shi+eld ready to protect him

"I don't know," confessed Aldrich "This isn't "

"Sht I can't believe it…" began Stella as she looked around with quick, alert head motions

"What is it?" said Aldrich Out of everyone here, Stella had the e of Variants, and if she orried, Aldrich orried too

"Everyone, stick together! Grab a hold of each other!" shouted Stella Her voice was urgent enough that Aldrich did not question her, he just followed her

Everyone grabbed each other, and at that s rapidly warped away