Chapter 48: Clearing the Nest (1/2)

Chapter 48: Clearing the Nest

Aldrich and his undead flew into the entrance of the Variant Nest When Aldrich and Valera hopped off the eagle and landed in the dark, subterranean entrance tunnel, he waved the eagle away

"Wait outside In a confined space like this, you won't do well When I signal, cole bobbed its head in a nod and then fleay

Aldrich stared ahead into the depths of the nest The path ahead led through a dark, winding tunnel that sank deeper down into the cliff He tapped his red scanning visor and checked any recent heat signatures

Nothing The whole place was cool, alood respite froather and live

Aldrich kept his eyes tuned in with the Grave Ward that he sent to scout ahead He did not want too beforehand While the Grave Ward scouted, Aldrich looked down at Fisk's Eye-Phone, htness doay low so as not to attract attention

He refreshed his memory on the few reports the AA had made about this nest, the latest of which was dated six ans and cells enature that could be traced, especially when the poere active However, if there was a large enough density of dorans, such as in the case of Variant Nests, it was possible to detery e' a Variant Nest was and categorized theuidelines suggested that ten Alters of the nest's rank were required to fully destroy it, but of course, this nu on what type of variants there were and the layout and unique characteristics of the nest itself

As for this nest, Aldrich read that it was ranked a solid D The variants recorded here seeely reptilian with a few arthropod types, specifically ants Not particularly threatening

However aside from these few reports, there was precious little inforured it was because as a D-rank nest, it was simply not that important

"Dynamite Girl," said Aldrich

"Call me Stella," said Dyna And the na with people closer to me"

"Close?" Valera leered at Dynamite Girl suspiciously

"Close as in trust," said Dynamite Girl, or Stella as she wanted to be called

"How strong do you think we are?" said Aldrich "In terms of hoe compare to variants and heroes What rank do you think we are?"

Stella crossed her ar to herself

"Alright, here's what I think Mind you, I'h up on the C rank So C+"

"Only C+? Are you sure you are not , hht C'mon, don't complain, I was on the lower end of the C rank Maybe now in the middle now that I can surpass my limits," said Stella "Squid face is like, I dunno', low to ap between the E/D ranks with C Then there's a huge juer jump from A to S"

"Then what about me? Hoould you class me?" said Aldrich

"You, captain?" Stella cocked her head "Er, well, I guess if you orkin' as a hero, est the master is that weak? When he is the very reason you enjoy eternal life now?" protested Valera

"That's what I was goin' to say," said Stella "The captain's powers ain't really suited to this whole hero thing If he joined the agency, I don't think they'd let him use his powers, all that raisin' the dead and stuff

But say he was a villain, then I'd say he's already way up at high B In terth, he's around or slightly below us, but the simple fact that he can do all this necroh threat

Maybe already a low A, considerin' the fact that the AA places a threat premium on villains or variants that are considered 'self-replicating' or capable of creatin' minions and more threats"

"I see," said Aldrich "Well then, we're four C to B rank threats taking on a D rank nest This should be no issue at all"

"Yeah, I figure," said Stella

"Good" Aldrich figured out where to go via the Grave Ward "It's ti"


Aldrich spun his lantern around by the chain, a ghostly red light flickering around hiht lit up his surroundings, showingyellow, reptilian eyes staring at him

Below these eyes were rows of sharp teeth

Up ahead, Aldrich could hear Valera's shouts of "DIE! DIE! DIE!" in the distance accoht from Stella

"You do not wish for my interference?" said Fler'Gan as he walked beside Aldrich, his arms behind his back

"No I want to see hoell I stand up compared to D ranksurprises ain: do NOT interfere"

"Understood, Elder" Fler'Gan nodded and watched

"Co the Blurred Lizards onwards Each of therey and brown color patterns on their scales that shi+fted, e into their environment

The blurred lizards loosed shrill screaative Surge] on hi hiained 12 strength, agility, and perception along with a strong aura of green

[-15 Mana]

[Mana: 183/183 ] 168/183]

[Strength: 11 ] 23]

[Agility: 10 ] 22]

[Perception: 13 ] 25]

Aldrich back stepped, evading two lizards fro his lantern forwards in a swiping arc that broke both lizards' necks He iain as severalover the corpses of their dead brethren to try and maul Aldrich

Aldrich activated his [Anti-Life Shell] A foggy green mist emanated from him, and inside, all of the lizards were slowed, their life force sapping away Their caht from the [Lantern of the Accursed Eye] revealed them constantly