Chapter 42: Becoming a Lich (1/2)

Chapter 42: Beco a Lich

Aldrich did not respond immediately to Fler'Gan, still wary about whether he had the potential to be aggressive He felt out the mental connection he had between master and undead faes appear in his vision

[Trial Quest: The Search completed]

[+500 EXP]

[+500 Coins]

[Learned passive: Corpse Barrier]

[Learned passive: Death Sense]

[Learned class spell: Grave Consumption]

[Obtained: Ton Stone]

[Obtained 3x Restorative Flask charges]


[EXP Bar: 370/1400 ] 870/1400]

Aldrich breathed in deeply, feeling power flow into hiinal player character [Death Sense] allowed Aldrich to sense the presences of any units under 10 of theirthat this was generally the e for most instant death type spells to work as executes

[Grave Consumption] allowed Aldrich to take a Grave Marker and consu 5 of his maximum health It could also be used on resurrected undead, destroying the undead and absorbing its negative energy to restore 10 of maximum health

[Corpse Barrier] was particularly useful It gave Aldrich a bonus shi+eld that consisted of 30 of hiswas that this barrier could regenerate very quickly by adding corpses into it

Of course, if Aldrich used a corpse to pad his barrier, he could not raise it to become an undead

The [Toraded versions of his current spells Overall, this was aamiss, O Elder?" said Fler'Gan

Aldrich looked at Fler'Gan and the thought ier

"Nothing," said Aldrich as he made sure he felt no hostility from Fler'Gan "Tell me, you seemed to have been sentient What do you remember about this place? About what happened to you in the past few decades?"

Valera perked up, highly curious for the same reason that Aldrich was: they wanted to knohat exactly happened to the ga…ended for me," said Fler'Gan "I had holed myself in my study for my pursuit to achieve eternal life It was many years I threw myself into this search, but at one point, I do not knohen, I felt as if I was in a haze Walking in a drea that time, I was conscious and not conscious I acted only in my search for immortality But I did not feel as if I was in my own body I si," said Aldrich He turned to Valera "This sounds exactly like what you went through He also went into a sort of eternal sleep"

"Indeed,else?" Aldrich turned back to Fler'Gan

Fler'Gan shook his mouth tendrils "No"

"I see," said Aldrich "I notice you do not seem nearly as, well, committed to your search for immortality"

"You mean he's not fuckin' batsht insane anymore," said Dyna to be polite here," said Aldrich

"I tell you, master, whelps these days have no sense of decorum or manners," said Valera as she shook her head

"Huh? I', is that it? Doesn't that ?" said Dynamite Girl

Valera i, and she strode up to Dyna over the hero

"What was that?" said Valera

"Just sayin' what you adeh (What a pointless argument)" said the Geist

"What did you say!?" Valera and Dynary head turns to the Geist

"Geh! (Nothing!)" The Geist raised its muscular arms in the air in surrender

"Cal ourselves And you, Valera, you should be thankful for the Geist It saved you," said Aldrich

"I suppose," gruhtly to the Geist "I thank you for your service, good creature" She paused aardly "And I apologize for thinking of you as a foul abomination of nature"

"Geheh" The Geist rubbed its head and nodded, taking the apology gratefully

"Hey now, ain't we all just freaks of nature at this point?" said Dynas now," said Valera "We may not fit into the normal cycle of life and death anymore, but that is precisely e are ascendant"

"Guess that's a good way of lookin' at this whole undead thing," said Dynamite Girl

"She speaks truly," said Fler'Gan "For decades, I sought undeath for it was the purest for the limits of the body Mindless undead are little her undead such as ourselves with our minds still intact are truly transcendent"

Fler'Gan nodded to Valera "And as for your question, O Elder My madness was cast upon me not only from my quest for immortality, but also from the sleep from which I fell into That sleep kept

But now that I have been freed froranted ier"