Chapter 39: Secret Boss II (1/2)
Chapter 39: Secret Boss II
Aldrich saw nothing but blinding light as the fireball exploded He stared at the bright white light of the fla explosion with relief
The fact that he could even see this light meant that his consciousness had not been totally incinerated away
The light die as the temperature of the fire dropped, and Aldrich found hien in the smoky confines of the [Spirit Boundary] burned up
Thankfully, he had no need to breathe, so he stood there tensely, waiting for the flames to fully die down
Within a few seconds, the light dimmed substantially as the explosion died down
Flickering flalow In so into pillars of fire type dae to avoid
Aldrich looked up to see the Ghast's smoky skull forht breeze
The Ghast itself did not benefit froet to snipe
However, its [Sturdy] passive had le hit point
"Noarm him!" Aldrich stepped out of the Spirit Boundary and saw Fler'Gan raise his lantern high in the air Several red athered power for another [Pyro Boain!"
"Withinto a black blur as she appeared right in front of Fler'Gan She thrust her shi+eld forward in a [shi+eld Bash] aimed to crush Fler'Gan's head
Instead, Valera slaht into a forcefield projected all around Fler'Gan The forcefield was tinted a dark orange, and by hitting it, fla her back as her armor started to melt and smoke
"Fler'Gan is a level 20 boss Each of his spells are capable of dealing severe dae to any of you," said Aldrich "But if you exhaust his pyrokinetic barrier, his ile"
Fler'Gan was abrains and y to fuel the and so they relied on their mental powers that involved telekinesis and enerated a forcefield around themselves for defense
In Fler'Gan's case, he was unique in that he practiced pyrokinesis, changing his psychic attacks froainst undead
This made Fler'Gan an exceptionally difficult boss to clear for the first Trial Quest as a Necromancer with minions all weak to fire, not to ht, I'll blow that barrier up," said Dynamite Girl
"No" Aldrich pointed his staff at Fler'Gan and casted a volley of [Chill Bolts]
They struck against Fler'Gan's barrier of pyrokinetic"Any fire type da Save your attack for when the barrier is down"
"Accursed insolents!" Fler'Gan looked all around hipiled by a dozen plus undead "Burn away!" He shook his lantern, and a red ic circle appeared in front of him
"Retreat!" said Aldrich Most of his undead -arm Grizzly was too slow
An oed from Fler'Gan This was an attack that he casted when he felt toocooldown
If it -arm Grizzly to bait this spell out, then Aldrich was fine with it
"Geh!" the Geist stood in front of the Big-arm Grizzly and shoved it away
Fla its skin before liquefying, revealing its bare spine and half-torched internal organs
The Geist fell forwards, disabled It was not dead, however, and it clenched its teeth and focused on its regeneration Flesh bubbled up and grew again, starting to regrow the muscles and tissue around its bare and burned spine