Chapter 34: Trial Quest 1 (1/2)

Chapter 34: Trial Quest 1

Aldrich found the environrey stone and gothic architecture of the Nexus He felt his HP and Mana restore toof Life and restore the charges on his flask

"Huh, where's this, boss?" said Fisk as he looked around in pure wonder, staring first at the i the Nexus and then at the ceiling full of golden and blue crystals "Looks like a place straight out of a ga stuff and dark fantasy teain' and dyin'? Dark Sins?"

"I know it," said Aldrich

"Yeah, I agree," said Dynamite Girl as she looked around with crossed arht you the type"

"J-just a little Make no h: I ain't a complete nerd like you," said Dynaames?" said Aldrich He did not know exactly to what extent an undead risen with their souls knew of their past lives He knew that according to game lore, they lost all memories, but that did not seem entirely to be the case

"Yeah, don't reames, exactly, but sory a lot Helped cool down sometimes"

"Geh," said the Geist

"What? I'ry all the time!? Huh!?" Dynamite Girl balled her hands into fists and leered at the Geist "Keep that up and I'll show you stressed for real!"

"Alright, calm down," said Aldrich "I just have a question: howmuch at all, really," said Dyna called Dyna else is kind of a haze, almost like a fever drea any bells to you?" said Aldrich

Dynamite Girl nodded "Yeah Think I used to live there or soly-ass streets everywhere else Don't know et the sense if you like, uh, toldor two"

"Hm" Aldrich realized that fully arisen undead had not wiped their memories They retained them but they were deeply 'locked' so to speak and would not ee unless specifically prompted

This made some practical sense If the arisen undead had zero memories at all, then they would just be like helpless, clueless infants that had zero idea how to function

This gave Aldrich worries about whether triggering memory returns would cause a risen undead to rebel, but at the saiven moment just turn their individuality off

For now, he let everyone have their individuality If anything, retaining ht be especially useful, especially in the case of people like Dynamite Girl who had the potential to hold valuable infor a hero

"Quite talkative to the master, aren't we?" said Valera as she stepped past Dynamite Girl and shoved her aside She put a hand to her breastplate and raised her shi+eld up "I ah this Trial Quest that I alone am truly worthy to be by your side"

"Yeah? Who was it that torched those bugs, huh?" said Dynalare at her

"Let's stop with the argu off your free will," said Aldrich

"Got it, captain," said Dynaes Speak htin', you can always count on me to have your back"

"Hmph You will have to prove yourself to me beyond words," said Valera

"Didn't we already fight together? Well, whatever, looks like we're gonna be fightin' soon, ain't we?" Dynamite Girl looked to Aldrich

"Yes" Aldrich stepped over to the first pillar of twelve that supported the walls of the Nexus

The first Trial Quest

The pillar was shrouded with green light, indicating that it was active The gargoyle above it had its eazed down at Aldrich, inviting him forwards The massive twin double doors of stone carved into the pillar were open, showing a swirling portal of azure blue, al into the quest

Aldrich looked at his tab

Trial Quest 1: The Search

Difficulty: 4


By reaching level 10, you have shown great strides intothe dark art of necromancy But now, it is time to truly test yourself, to truly prove that the power over the dead that you wield is worthy

This trial will be a test of hoell you are capable of controlling the dead that you have bound to yourself You will prove that these souls whose undeath you bind to yourself serve a truly capable master

In the accursed Rotted Greatwoods where precious few living souls dare to tread, you must find the lost Eye of Azoth None know exactly where it has fallen in these cold and foul woods

It may be within the twisted woods itself It may be lost in the depths of the murky swamp that festers within Or perhaps it is within the belly of sohty beast

It is up to you, O Necroh the dark and the cold and the rot - ele lost eye

Time Limit: 1 Hour


-Find the Eye of Azoth


-1x Eye of Azoth

-3x Restorative Flask charges

-1x Sign Stone

-Passive: [Corpse Barrier]

-Passive: [Death Sense]

-Spell: [Grave Consumption]

-Tome of Dark Arts Rank 3

-500 Coins

-500 EXP


Aldrich analyzed the quest It read the exact sa was the exact same, then this Trial Quest would be an easy breeze to deal with

"Once we go in, we don't waste any time You do as I say and you work efficiently Understand?" said Aldrich