Chapter 10: Necromancer (1/2)
Chapter 10: Necromancer
Aldrich…felt like he was in a drea around in this sea of infinite darkness with only the gleaolden letters of Elden World to focus on Even then, it was so difficult to focus on those letters, as if at any moment, he would lose focus and his mind would slip away permanently into the void
Aldrich did not so much consciously think as he did react on instinct When he saw that familiar prompt from Elden World, he did what he had done when he had first started the gao
He chose his class
[Class: Necromancer Selected]
[As a Necromancer, death has always been by your side It has creeped by your shadow It has lurked in the depths of your being It has shaped who you are But unlike aze, you stared back and took control over the darkness
Wielding negative energy toxic to life but nourishi+ng to undead, you coics where under your masterful touch, death is never the end Or perhaps, to you, death isundead ar rotted and bare bonednecrotic rave all fall under your domain
Is this the class you wish to choose?]
"Yes," said Aldrich, though in the darkness, his voice did not project Only his thoughts
This was the class he was ravitated towards even in this dream-like state
[Class: Necromancer Chosen]
[Necro as the dark is when the sun sets and restless spirits rise Choose your Occultation This will determine the type of necromancy you will practice:]
[-Occultation of the Shattered Bone
You let negative energies surge through your own body, harnessing thethen it Where others who practice necrorow pale, sickly, and weakly, you have maintained a body and bones of iron
You do not herald death with bolts and curses or undeadwith your oo hands You do not raise hastly experiether a monstrous yet battle-ready form that will strike fear and lethal blows equally across the battlefield
Stat Affinities: Strength/Vitality/Magic]
[-Occultation of the Cold Rot
Death is cold Death is merciless And after death, there is always rot
With this Occultation, you hold great ic, you will cull unworthy lives With a wave of your hand, you will cast fog that numbs and drains life fro With a mere touch, you will impart diseases and curses of rot that will cause untold pain and suffering
Stat Affinities: Magic/Agility/Attuneion
Death is never the end With this occultation, you ensure that those that have fallen will always have a second chance A second chance to serve under your thrall
You take ey into thethen the undead, repairing their rotting flesh or strengthening their bleached bones You hty undead who have ascended froh spirits or even Gods
You are never alone Any battle you take, you shall have theyou
You are Legion
Stat Affinities: Magic/Attunement/Vitality]
Aldrich chose the [Occultation of Legion], confir the selection without a hint of hesitation This was the class of his Necroame, and so in his dream-like state, this hat he defaulted to
[All selections have been finalized…]
[Necroin May the ---------]
The e cut off at the end, but Aldrich had barely a hazy et confused by it before the darkness around hi down on a bed of leaves, staring up at a shadowy tree canopy above
Beyond the trees, Aldrich couldfull y, still feeling like he was in that dream-like state, but that soon passed, and with it, came the memories
Me the only two friends he had
So as he drew breath, he would never let that vile waste of oxygen live Not ever Nor his scuhtly, dead leaves cracking in his grip as his deathly pale knuckles whitened even further
Wait, pale?
Aldrich held his hands up to hihostly pale white that belonged only to corpses His skin felt cold and almost clammy He touched his stomach and felt a fist-sized hole in it froans were supposed to be, there was just gaping, empty space
Yet, he was still alive
Aldrich blinked several ti what had happened He reone through the Elden World character selection process He had alht that a dream, but…but had it all been real?
As if to confirhts, a status screen flashed in front of hiility]
Race: Undead
Class: Necroion)
Level: 1