Chapter 5: Combat Evaluation (1/2)

Chapter 5: Co Grounds were quite iely located outdoors and consisted of several five-hundred- metal walls that served as arenas

The walls were n was sleek and futuristic with blinking lights of various colors dotted around their surface, indicating the status of variouspieces of tech within the walls

Aldrich stared at the arenas while standing in a single file line with the rest of the Frame students They were, as expected, separated froave Aldrich an estimate that there were approximately two hundred or so 'normal' students

In terms of numbers, Blackwater was small as most decently ranked hero acade well over a thousand, with only the highest tier acade set in

Most likely, Aldrich figured that Blackwater had so few students because they lacked funding for being too low tier At the sa rong

The arenas were built with state-of-the-art technology withsimulated combat terrain So auto-repair and maintenance beneath them, ready to surface whenever the arenas were activated

A low tier acade any of this

"Listen closely!" ca to officer Fletcher The officer had his arms behind his back as he shouted at the neatly ordered crowd of students "Because I won't say this again! We already know your powers and your AC count"

Aldrich noted this Blackwater had a record of every single student's ability and their Alter Cell (AC count) Meant that it was possible to pull up student profiles and figure out as dangerous and as not provided Aldrich could get into the system somehow

AC count was especially important because it deter and growth High AC counts also granted natural ath, durability, speed, and a ranted affected those traits or not

"But cell count and a bullet point summary of your powers doesn'tfor your fucking lives against Variants or other Alters Combat is where we really determine your worth Where you really use those powers you were born with

Today's evaluation will test your ability to fight!"

A slight h the crowd of students as they heard this Soht

Every single Fraulped down a ball of nervousness because how the hell were they going to fight superpowered students when they had not even taken a single class yet on how to use their Frames?

hell, they had not even seen their Frames yet

"Where you place in this evaluation will determine which class you are put in!" continued officer Fletcher "And believe me, what class you are in will be the difference between living like kings and ants!

Classes range froood, you're worth the food and space your sorry asses are taking up here Below that, though, you better train real fuckin' hard!

Depending on which class you're placed in, you'll get access to , more credits for treatment at the infirmary, and authorized days off to the nearby town to do whatever the fuck you want

hell, if you ive you a rateful little shts to spend on whatever you want"

Officer Fletcher turned and walked up to a control panel standing outside of the nearest arena He put his palhts, analyzing his handprint