Chapter 2: To Be A Hero (1/2)

Chapter 2: To Be A Hero

When Aldrich was a child, he always dreahly uninspired dreaht about being a hero at so that it was practically ie of hero worshi+p

Aldrich heard about a thousand different bedtiuard vanquished villainy with his invincible fists, saving countless lives as he ended the Age of Villainy

When he grew older, he constantly saw heroes on the telescreen with their colorful costu s buildings and when scary Variants showed up, how they swooped in to beat the monsters down and save the day

Heroes popped up in holographic or talk shows or social et exposure, they got it

But most importantly, Aldrich wanted to be a hero because of his parents

They were both heroes, though not particularly famous ones His dad could shoot flaht up a car or shot heroes like Blue-Blaze who couldsized Variants into ash in seconds

Aldrich'sable to control water, though again, just like his dad, not to any super notable degree

His parents eneral public, but because they were his parents, they were the biggest heroes ever to Aldrich

They see and raising him to respect justice They told him about how justice hat heroes believed in, that at the end of the day, though it ht and people smile

Raised on a healthy diet of justice and heroism and capes and costumes, Aldrich wanted desperately to be a hero

Unfortunately, though, Aldrich soon ca realization that he had no powers

90 of huan - the mysterious little mass that was responsible for superpowers - or developed thee of ten without showing any signs of hosting an Organ was categorized as a 'Dud', so called because they were defective - a hue where poere instruainst Variants

Aldrich was a complete freak of nature - in the rare 5 of the world population in all the wrong ways

In a society that valued superpowers and their ability to contribute to huht A relic of the past that should have been exterenes were tainted and unevolved

nobody would ever marry him nobody would ever associate him

Aldrich was literally a subhue of hu a hero, nobody would even hire hile job out there had someone whose Alter power made thehout most of Aldrich's youth, he was relentlessly bullied for his lack of powers, often co back fro heart, but through it all, his parents supported him as well as they could

They tried to raise hi his, to never let go of his dreams, but even this came to a premature end

On Aldrich's 13th birthday, he spent the night alone in his house, waiting for his parents to co down Variants let loose by a powerful crianization on the rise known as the Trident

Then ca down to the very core