Chapter 606 Teacher Crowley (1/2)
Chapter 606 Teacher Crowley
606 Teacher Crowley
Crooke up refreshed as if all of his worries had vanished with a good night's sleep The bed wasaround he still couldn't believe the apart, top of the range cooking appliances with an island and a balcony he could go out on and see the sights of the city, which right now there see on
It wasn’t that the AFA paid him badly, for froood wage because Altereds in the first place had so many opportunities they could take
It was just the treativen so far was the next level, but he had to be cautious The fact that everything was overly nice, in so could be a scam It was a common technique to sucker one in like so???e????૦ѵel c??
According to Crowley’s schedule he would give two different types of lessons in the afternoon There was a general self defence class, and then there was also a special class but there was no information on what that special class would be
Crowley thought about contacting one of those on the phone he had been given, but decided against it If it was really important then they could always contact him and besides it was his first day and he hadn’t
Walking over, he turned on the TV, and there was a sports announcer
“The students this year co out of the AFA have been incredibly i to achieve their first win in the ring The question is where will they go from here There are roups and corporations that will be looking to sponsor these incredibly talented fighters
“From there, will any of them be able to make a dent in the top 50, a foundation of which has re period of ti these questions, clips froround In the AFC, Altereds weren’t allowed to use their special skills, if they had the power of lightning, fire and so on
However, they were allowed to partially transform and fully transfor different with their new body, such as use their long tongue
However, what had coht in their debut match this time, none of thehts
This had happened in individual cases before, but not the entire group and it went to show just how far ahead the AFA were coht, Crowley had watched the h he was no longer part of the acade well, and he hoped that those that he taught in the special lessons would go on to do well as well
‘I will be watching you all, and supporting you even if I never see any of you again, and as for the Green Haired one, I hope he doesn’t feel guilty for what happened tohis things and setting up his roo lesson had coht He needed to arrive early to see what exaclty he was dealing with
Following the directions set out, there was a large development which looked like it had been made very recently and had only just finished It was a relatively large shopping n on the front, with a large screen showing advertisements that would switch once in a while
“Seriously, where did this town get this type of ht tier-3 places didn’t have these nice things because they would just get destroyed and ruined by the locals Maybe the gang that is running this place has a tight grip on everyone here speaking of, I didn’t really look into theth, even if I do run into trouble it shouldn't be harmful, but I should stillpeople”
Heading inside the shopping mall, he headed to the fifth floor and he could see the place in question It had a glass panel that went across nearly the whole floor, and one could seewith a number of different types of equip at the top level, it wasn’t quite what the AFA would have but it was pretty close Heading inside, he put his bag of tools down, so that he wouldn’t need it