Chapter 576 An Altered Hunters Life (2/2)

My Werewolf System JKSManga 26860K 2023-04-27

Innu shook his head, as he had finally made a decision

a�?I'll do it I'll beco Blake's hand a�?But it will be in name only I want to make that clear, especially if Gary ever found outa�?

a�?Gary?a�? Blake smiled a�?You don't have to worry about him He's not even an Altereda�?<readnovelfullcom></readnovelfullcom>

The two of theet into action straight away

a�?Alright, so what are you going to teachto take me? Is there like a secret shop where you store all your ar!a�? Innu excitedly said

a�?Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's nothing like that, and technically you're still not an Altered Hunter yeta�? Blake answered

Innu was alround at that point, all of the excite out of his body He already had ht he would have gotten so out of it

a�?Do you really think so like that?a�? Blake asked a�?There are a few things that need to be done for you to become an apprentice Altered Hunter

a�?First, I will need to contact the base and inform them that someone is interested After that, two star ranked Altered Hunters will need to evaluate your skills If the two Altered Hunters agree that you have potential, then it will be reported back After that you are an official Altered Hunter!a�?

It see process but now Innu understood why the Altered Hunters were all quite skilled It wasn't souessing you can count as one of the Altered Hunters, who's the other one, will it be your father?a�? Innu asked

Blake shook his head

a�?He is busy at the moment, they will most likely just send someone who is close by When they do come, it would be best to make sure no incidents happen when they arrive Otherwise, it ht cause more proble that Innu wanted to do The true strength and the numbers of the Altered Hunters' association were unknown, but it certainly wasn't so that the Howlers wanted to deal with

a�?What about the test, is there anything I need to do to prepare for it?a�? Innu asked

a�?I don't think so Usually the Altered Hunters decide between themselves on how to test you Most likely me and you can just spar in my father's dojo, with your skills, I'm pretty sure they would accept you in a heartbeata�?

After the talking was done, Blake had pulled out a strange phone-like device that looked more like a radio He started to type away on the device Meanwhile Innu was a bit nervous

He had no idea what thishim a little excitement for what he would learn

a�?I can't wait If I get strong enough, then I can start fighting that daain The look on his face, will be worth all of this in the end' Innu thought, as his rivalry with Austin was strong

a�?Well that was fasta�? Blake said a�?It looks like there is a hunter nearby, they will be here in the eveninga�?

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