Chapter 493: Back at the AFA (2/2)
“That’s not really part of your business and you know that, even if you did phrase it like that” The man replied “The company is Cardenez Electronics”
Kai was silent for a while before eventually giving an answer
“I'h I said we couldlike this I would have to speak to our leader about it You see, our own gang is in our growing phase here and there is quite a bit of trouble here and there I can give you an answer by the end of the day, and if you don't hear a call from me I'm sorry but we can't accept”
A fewwas on his way out
“Are you really going to ask Gary about this?” Olivia asked
“Nah, that was just et him out of here, and a way out of this deal They seeainst those that don’t do what they say For now, I plan to watch this interesting develop opportunity will come out of this” Kai sain for Gary to head back, head back to the academy With the next full moon further away than before, he could enjoy his time here in peace, and he could always head back when the full moon was due as well
On top of that, his one and only Xin Clove also went to the acadeain I won't be so out of it this time, and maybe we can leave from where we left off’
Gary still had the picture of Xin kissing hi the bus, it was a long distance away but he was one of the few people on the bus
Once he reached the main city, then he needed to switch onto another bus that would take one to the acadeot on the one that headed directly to the academy
All Gary needed to do was show his ID to the bus driver When getting on, Gary was expecting it to be e out the
“No hat are you doing here?” Gary asked
“Gary…I guess you're heading back to the academy as well” Numba replied
“Yeah, I didn't know you left, what did you leave for?” Gary asked
“I… Just had some family stuff to deal with”
MWS Webtoon is now at 19 Chapters, be sure to check it out, and see all the characters come to life Please support the webtoon as well, and maybe one day there can be an MWS Anime!