Chapter 118: A familiar face (1/1)
Chapter 118: A fain and the crowd cheered in response, soht here, while others took harder drugs, despite the e However, with how illegal all of this was, nobody really cared, the ones selling were just happy to make a profit
Nevertheless, there were also those around that lookedany substances Those were the scouts sent out by bigger gangs, groups looking to recruit so new members
“Today’s event is a little special as we are going to have several tag teah’ A school known to have no leaders, with things so bad that even the teachers iven up on their students, yet that was all until these two ca round of applause for the ‘Vicious Twins’!”
The announcer really kne to get the crowd excited, who ih and even entered the stage by doing a flip over the hay bales The two of the their ares of two snakes One of the red hair
“Hey, those guys are… it’s those two fronised Sren and Leng
“I expected so like this to happen when I heard the rumours” Kai seeuys aren’t just nor about what happened to our Westbride team I decided to look into them more There aren’t many that can just do what they did to all of our school’sto know more
“Well it all starts hy they filh they usually just defeat their opponents by taking out the other teaive credit where credit’s due, you gotta ad while livestrea the entire event Fro, so they must have made a lot of cash that way
“Their schee payout in case the opposing teaood odds to the other side Now you understand hoever they go against finds the day That was until a certain pair forced them into a draw
“If anyone actually bet on a draw that day, the payout they had tohas ulars ould usually bet on the, they’re not just regular high school thugs”
Hearing this, Marie was a bit worried, she had seen how fast and agile the tins had been during the rugbythat fact However, Kai seemed to really trust in Gary and Innu as he had bet a lot of … s from what he told her…
‘That kid…I know his situation and he betted his own ht ‘Someone like him who lacks skills and confidence I want to see today, how you fight Gary The fight of a desperate person”
“Next, let’s welco this the debut of their gang, we have The Hooooolllleeerrrs!!!”
Fro The hay blocks were h His unifor off his muscles and the couple of scars on his shoulders His hands rapped up as usual, and since he wasn’t exactly new to fighting in these events, he received quite the reception frouy’s ‘Innu the Warrior’! Looks like he finally joined a gang, but with how skilled he hy do you think he would join such a no naotten into one of the er asked his buddy
“Beats me, I just know he always refused those offers Maybe none of theh for hi? Well, let’s just see who his partner is If those Howlers are powerful it wouldn’t be the worst idea to join Being a foundingto kiss ass to rise up the ranks” His buddy replied with a shrug
Following behind Innu in his black and gold jacket was Gary However, his entrance was a bit problematic, as he had to push one of Innu’s fans to the side, to be allowed to even get in The crowd in fact broke out in murmurs as he climbed over the hay bales They could see his sreen hair
“Hey, I know that guy! He’s that neho beat up Billy Buster! Green Mutt! …or was it Green Dog?” The first guy mentioned, as he had been there on that day
Standing up, Gary’s face could be seen by everyone, and several people were shocked, yet the ones uise
“Correct reen haired kid the one we spotted snooping around Billy Bruntin’s home that day?” Frank whispered to his partner
Sadie nodded with a satisfied smile At the time, they had believed Gary, that he was just a curious kid, but seeing hiht have possibly found someone ould be able to help them solve this Altered murder case
She didn’t knohy, but the wound on her leg felt like it was pulsating It had taken a little longer to heal con fro