Chapter 2: The Game Of Rugby (1/2)
Chapter 2: The Ga sound entered the ears of the students as the whistle was blown It served as a reminder to everyone out on the school field that it was ti laps around the school field
School lessons may have ended, but that didn’toff into the distance, Gary watched the large clock placed on the front of the school building He was squinting hard, trying to make out where the two hands were on the dial, not because the clock was too sotten terrible
Still, Gary had always refused to wear glasses He felt like if he did, it was only adht He was afraid that it would only deteriorate quicker if he gave in, and it would prove that he had bad genes So his hands by the side of his head, he pulled slightly, narrowing his field of vision, allowing hi to see the screen at the back of the class
‘Three-thirty, I still have a lot of time left’
“Get a move on, broccoli head, unless you want my size twelve feet in your backside!” Mr Root shouted He was a large man who towered not only above the students but also all the other adults
His last na for a man like himself If Gary didn’t know any better, he would have sworn that his teacher’s genes iant ancient tree He was that large and sturdy
Not wanting to anger his teacher further, he joined the rest trodding along at the back of the class There he ran side by side with his friend To away
“Why…do…they…want…to…kill…me?” Each time he uttered a word, he had to take a deep breath before being able to say the next
“Did you know that it’s easier to breathe if you don’t speak and run at the sa just fine and could have passed his friend, yet he still chose to stay at the back
It was the sao unnoticed by To behind because of hi up with the rest of the class and started to slon his pace “That’s better According to the internet, when you’re jogging, you should jog at a pace where you can still talk to each other”
“Yeah…but I don’t think theyso slow that they were practically walking Trying totheir ar in front of theet past Mr Root, and the rest of the students were now busy waiting for theetables!” he commanded
Once the students were all lined up Mr Root placed a rugby ball on the ground right in front of hiest student named Blake
He was the pride of their class The type that was too good to be true and usually only appeared in movies as the ht in front of his fellow students
Blake had golden tanned skin, avy brown hair that had just the right amount of curls To top it off, his body was that of a naturally lean ned to excel in sports
“You know, they say ten percent of the boys irls,” To at Blake “On Binder I mean Not that I’ve used that app myself Seriously, what’s the point when I know nobody would swipe for o on the app,just to swipe the other direction That way I’ve rejected all of theht you just said you didn’t use the app?”
Looking at his buddy, and then looking at himself, Gary was a little disheartened It wasn’t because soirlfriend No, it was because people like him were the perfect candidates to be chosen to beco as there were people like Blake in the world, hoould he ever get selected?
“I won’t mince words We all know that Blake here is the best on our team Too bad for you lot, that there are hundreds of Blakes out there on other tea’ pep talk… “What this teaood line of defence People who can tackle We’re here to find our tacklers”
The aiet the ball off of Blake while he was running towards you, stopping hiround
After watching the first few students attempt and fail, it became clear that it was an io at it
Mr Root didn’t really have any high hopes for Gary, but according to school regulations everyone deserved an equal chance
The whistle was blown, and Blake started bulldozing his way towards hihtly as if it was a newborn baby
‘Hey, hey, can’t you go easy on rip on the ball,to be able to rip it off hio for a tackle’
Charging forward, Gary su pointGary stand out fro sense of fear, so even Mr Root had to ad in on each other, Gary bent his knees slightly getting into a lower position Although itattention to others, Gary had picked up on multiple details and habits
‘Whenever, Blake feints, he does so with his right foot first The extra weight can be seen shi+fting in his body to that side The grass field is soft today, and his feet are sinking deeper than usual All of this is done so he can push hiht side’
Knowing all of this, Gary went along with his feint, aio in for the tackle, but stopped at the last second, and went to his own right Just like he had predicted, all of these little details had Blake’s plan of spinning around to avoid the tackle, but Gary knehere he would end up
Going low, he saw the legs and was ready… only to see Blake’s colossal knee slaht on the nose, followed by a loud crack that even the onlookers ht have heard
Blood started to pour down in an instant, and Gary laid there on the cold grass field
‘Sht So what if I’ve figured out where he would go? It’s not like I have the body to do anything about it’
Froreat at picking up habits and seeing the way people’s bodies h patterns that maybe even the person themselves wouldn’t realise they have
Alas, it was all useless