Chapter 213 (1/2)

Chapter 213

Chapter 213 Strongest Sage, Gets in Quarrel with Glory Crest Idiot

Several hours later

We arrived at Relaia Barondom's central town, Relaial, without a proble though, so this central town is uarded"

The escort knight ate

Indeed, soldiers who appear to be guards are standing in front of the gate

Norate of a sets stricter only when it's one step away from full bloar

"Allow me to inform them our arrival"

"Very well"

Viscount Regido halted afterward

Looks like we still need to infor before we could enter the town

Guess you can't just stroll right through the gate without saying anything even if you're a noble

Right now I'h, so I can't say like it's none ofthat, a ed ate in a big hurry

It's probably cause he can't let nobles who are of higher ranks to wait for hiido, Baron Hildesheietting called Baron even though it's just teht be the first time someone called me Baron Hildesheimr

I mean, I rarely ever used my family name and usually introduced ido opens his mouth

"You must be Baron RelaiaHave you heard the details frooWe have arranged the information for you"

"Good workLead the way"

Looks like the local ar a viscount in the investigation tea its effect

As I hile thinking thata fa huel

Frankly speaking, I'd like to avoid el himself, but it'll be a waste of our time if he causes troubles here

And that'd result in more troubles for my father Castor, and my brother Reich, I'd like to avoid that

However, as I' with other nobles, I cannot hidethat he wouldn't notice me, but

"Mathias, you bastard! What're you doing trotting back home without a care in the world huh! You Disqualified Crest trash, a disgrace of Hildesheimr house!"

Looks like he found me out

"What do you mean 'back home', we're not in Hildesheimr Baronet's territory here"

"Sa in front of me now! You already left our territory!"

No, it's not 'same difference'

It's another noble's

I can't even begin to figure out where to quip here

"Oy, who is this guy?"

Viscount Regideo asked the escort knights when he saw our conversation

"That is the second son of Castor Hildesheiel Hildesheiido was the escort knight who had guided us all the way here

This knight is not only knowledgeable about roads, but also other nobles huh

"Second sonThat ht"