Chapter 155 (2/2)

My hunch was proven correct

<TLN: If you're reading this novel at any other site than Sousetsukaco an unedited, uncorrected version of the novel >

"『Enforced Detection』 can't lure the at all"

『Enforced Detection』 is a ic that pour hostile mana onto the monsters in order to lure them

It consuic but a kind of mana manipulation, even a Disqualified Crest can affect a wide area

However, the monsters didn't show any reaction at all to 『Enforced Detection』

I also tried hitting theh toaway in terror instead, yet they didn't even seem like they noticed

"Then, how about"

Ruli ic stone in her pocket and iht her before to lure e isn't that wide, but its strong point is the fact that it doesn't need ic tool

HoweverThe ether

"There's no effect! Maybe I ic stone after saying that

However, from what I saw, Ruli didn't make any mistake


I went forward and used several types of ic on the ht, infrared rays, temperature, carbon dioxide concentration

All kind of stuff that normal monsters utilize to detect humans

However, none of theic that physically pull theic succeeded luring them voluntarily

There were even nored me and tried to slip pass me instead

This isThe proble that's even more fundamental

"These monsters probably move with a different principle than normal"

"Different principle!?"

"YeaThese ht!We have to look for another ather them"