Chapter 232. Three (2) (1/2)

Chapter 232 Three (2)

Chi-Woo was hit with a sensation he couldn’t put into words It was as if a rough hale had swept over hie to vomit when suddenly, the sensation stopped, and he felt his feet touch the ground Chi-Woo got on one knee with his eyes closed, heaving while the bout of dizziness prevented hi settled a bit, he felt a wind brush past hih!” Unable to hold it in any longer, he vomited An acrid smell swept by Besides smoke, the smell of rotten flesh and fishy blood assaulted his nose

“Bleurgh! Bleeeck!” Chi-Woo threw up for a while and barely ed to open his eyes

[Transportation to the Future (2/3) Completed]

[Roll the die if you want to return to the present]

‘Future?’ Chi-Woo blinked hard and slowly raised his head His face became pale when his eyes soon beheld a scene he couldn’t believe at all It was a giant pile of ashes—there was no other way to describe it The world was dark, the sky was croith storround was charred As if all the colors of the world hadwas in one color Chi-Woo couldn’t understand where he was at first There was basically nothing re that could hint at his location If he hadn’t intently studied a part of the gate wall that had been crushed into pieces, he wouldn’t have realized that he was standing in the middle of Shalyh

“What…” His face twitched, and his voice shook “What…what happened…” Chi-Woo couldn’t finish his thoughts as he shook his head It was such a shocking sight Shalyh was destroyed beyond recognition, and the corpses sprawling on piles of ashes all over the place showcased what had happened here—especially since most of the corpses were ones of huue Thus, Chi-Woo realized he had traveled through time, and that in the near future, there would be a mass massacre in the holy city Shalyh; the city would be completely destroyed

‘Why?’ His cast of the die succeeded He even got the nu positive should’ve happened since that was always the case But the World’s Milestone didn’t do that this time It simply transported Chi-Woo to the future and showed him this scene What was he supposed to do now? Chi-Woo couldn’t figure out the die’s intention at all As he pondered about this ain His synesthesia caught a very faint presence, and Chi-Woo looked back and walked toward the noise, looking slightly dazed When he found the presence, he couldn’t help but look stunned again

“Ru—!” There was a figure whose face barely peeked out from the pile of ashes, and she looked extremely pained

“Ms Ru Hiana!” Chi-Woo quickly approached her and dropped to one knee “Ms Ru Hiana! Are you all right? Open your eyes! Please!” Did his desperate cries reach her? After letting out only soft groans, Ru Hiana’s eyes pressed harder Then she opened her eyes and gasped when she saw Chi-Woo

“Senior…?” Her inquisitive call was soon followed by a soft, disbelieving chuckle “I et ination It’s me,” Chi-Woo said, but it appeared that Ru Hiana couldn’t hear him Chi-Woo lifted the pile of ashes first to save Ru Hiana, but weakly let go again


Ru Hiana’s body was in a horrifyingly grueso, half her body and her two legs were ripped away or split, and organs were spilling out of her insides It was incredible how she was still breathing Chi-Woo had wondered why the ground felt so sticky and wet, but now he saw that all the red marks were blood

“Ms Ru Hiana…”

“I’m…sorry…” Ru Hianaher last confession before dying, she said to Chi-Woo Chi-Woo shook his head while indescribable emotions warred in him

“What are you sorry about… Ms Ru Hiana, what in the world happened to you…?”

“As Ru Aht hard at that time…ould’ve been able to predict…” Even in this sad and chaotic time, Ru Hiana’s whispery voice continued

“We could’ve…knohat?”

“The eighth recruits…during the Vepar expedition…” Ru Hiana said between deep breaths “At the least…if we had listened to…your words…”

“Ms Ru Hiana?”

“If only…I…had been with Ru Amuh and…you…”

“Ms Ru Hiana Ms Ru Hiana!”

“Then…Ru Amuhwouldn’t have become…like that…because of me…you too…” As she talked, foam mixed with blood flowed out of her ly

“If you…you were there…” Her voice became quieter “I’m…really…so…rry…” Then her voice cut off even as her eyes reazed futilely at the sky, and Ru Hiana stopped breathing She was dead

“Ru…” Chi-Woo stopped talking and hung his head His shoulders also slouched heavily He needed to think logically, but this was too big and shocking for hiather his senses when he suddenly felt an o The bleak and desolate at crawled up his spine and sent goosebu that sounded as if it had crawled out of a very deep cave flowed out, and that was soon followed by whisperings, too fast for hi Chi-Woo concentrated h he couldn’t understand, he had heard so like this before; it was the voices of the dead His synesthesia didn’t catch anything, and Chi-Woo looked around hih he could hear the closer to where he was and seemed like they would soon reach hiave hier to throw his die shi+ning light enveloped hi sharp fiercely scratched across where he had been

Chi-Woo saw the ceiling when he opened his eyes and felt his back pressed against a cold surface Then he heard his brother calling out his nalanced at his brother’s palasped out, “Shalyh…holy city, Shalyh…” Chi-Woo tried to speak, but his breathing was too harsh and needed ti? Shalyh? Why did you suddenly collapse—?”

Chi-Woo stretched out his hand and shared the notification he’d received Messages popped into the air, and Chi-Hyun quickly read and spoke in a low voice

“So, you came back fro

“You must have seen Shalyh from the future”

“Yes, Chi-Hyun—”