Chapter 143 (1/2)
Chapter 143 Pointing to One Thing
The selection process for the eighth recruitment came to an end The atmosphere of the hall was better than ever before For the first ti pool of recruits finally saw an increase There was no doubt that the situation at Liber had improved now, and compared to the time the sixth recruit team was sent, the planet had become a livable place
Of course, this wasn’t the only reason for this change In the eighth selection process, five special heroes, who differentiated themselves from the others, revealed their intention to participate They wereto the twelve families that lit up the Celestial Real the twelve families on top of that In reality, it was ridiculous that these families even divided themselves into ranks But like it was in any world, faossip And the heroes obsessed over stories about these fa to their own standards
Thus, if one was to divide the twelve families into the top half and the bottom half, the top half was as followed:
There was the ‘Choi’ family from planet Earth The ‘Ho Lactea’ family from planets Aurelia and Blue Moon The ‘Nahla’ family from planet Gliese 876 D The ‘Afrilith’ family from planet Io The ‘Mariaju’ family from planet Clair Finally, the ‘Eustitia’ family from planet Banard
Of course, a ard to history, tradition, and all other factors, was already on Liber And members of all the five fah each considered thehth selection process and were assessed to be suitable to enter Liber At first, only three families announced their intention to enter the selection process, but soned up for the recruitoal seemed obvious just by the list of na the water to see if there was really hope at Liber, and if the planet would really present them with an opportunity
‘But will the prophecy really respond to how they wished?’ Laguel snorted and decided to focus on the task at hand “…The seventh recruits had achieved their desired goal It seemed they had joined the fifth and sixth recruits and succeeded in reaching this place as you all see”
The heroes blinked hard at a point on the holograuel continued, “Further with the previous recruits that had stationed the to the central region, the seventh recruits had called the previous recruits to their location The fact that a larger group :
“It appears that the seventh recruit tea at least one of Liber’s Gods”
“Wow, a” A voice interrupted the peaceful silence of the hall “How surprising Who did it, Laguel? Is there anyone that co, and pretty youthful
“Was there anyone a the seventh recruit teanized froroup Ru…as it?”
The six people who sat apart fro themselves
“Anyways, it’s really iroup said with a raised voice “It’s so even the Choi family couldn’t do I want to applaud theh for everyone to hear, and the noise rang across the quiet hall
Laguel’s eyebroitched
‘Afrilith…’ Laguel was displeased ‘If it had been the Ho Lactea or Nahla fa family that had only reached their rank by just only the consciousness of their people…’
None of the twelve families were mediocre, of course, but the Choi family was on a different level The Ho Lacteas were members of a noble race in every way since their birth, and the Nahlas were reborn through eugenics Unlike the other families, the fact that the Choi family was made up of ‘pure’ humans attracted the awe and admiration of many Thus, there were others who also expressed their dissatisfaction like Laguel with the hero’s comment
However, the Afrilith didn’t back down and instead smiled in satisfaction; the hero even had the audacity to look proud It was as if the hero was telling others that she was allowed and in the position to talk about the legend this hich made her special
‘Yes, it wasn’t Sir Choi Chi-Hyun who did this But the one who acco feat was also a uel wanted to put the hero in her place but sed the words down in the end In whatever field, the first place usually didn’t care about those below theuel thought there was no need to reveal Chi-Woo’s identity to these people, ere eager to bring the Choi fao into the hth recruits by the prophet orb,” Laguel said Although there was no telling ould happen until the situation arose, there was no denying that the eighth recruits consisted of more elites than the previous ones And the prophet orb assigned a e
“Please look at the ram flashed It was a different place from the one they had just seen
“You can eat yourfood froirl
“…” She didn’t take the plate Only when Chi-Woo placed the plate on the ground and backed away did she cautiously pull the plate toward herself But the girl didn’t touch it just yet Chi-Woo sighed and started eating first She finally took the plate and dug in after Chi-Woo had a couple of erly by bringing the plate to her mouth
‘Why does she eat like that?’ Chi-Woo wasn’t bothered by the fact that she was eating without utensils; that could be a lancing at Chi-Woo while she ate In other words, she still had her guard up against hi home, and he pitied her After they finished theira distance While she didn’t hide as she had done before, she hadn’t gotten into the house properly until Chi-Woo left the door ajar and pretended to be asleep Only then did she creep in and sat quietly in the corner
And when Chi-Woo was training orwith her necklace tightly clasped between her hands
—She always prays in that direction
Philip ht with his hands and stuck his head outside
—Will so that way?
‘Mister Philip!’ Chi-Woo called out as he sweated like rain doing push-ups with one hand
—I don’t really want to hear a guymy name, but what is it?
‘Do you know Kabala? It seeion?’
—I don’t It’sabout it
Philip crossed his arion Since I don’t know about it, I suppose it’s not connected to demons Then, it could be a secret society or esotericism not yet revealed to the world
‘By esotericism, do you s a cult
[Couldn’t it be a religion born after your death?]
—Ah, of course, mademoiselle As expected, you are so sed opinions and carefully studied the girl
—But it sure is suspicious… Hey, do you know?
Whileto hiirl kept walking in circles around you last night
‘What?’ Walking around hiht of it brought chills across his body