Chapter 7: Celestial Realm (4) (1/2)
Chapter 7: Celestial Realh she alking barefoot, every step she took ry footsteps stopped when she found Chi-Woo standing still
“No! Listen tofrom behind, closed his mouth when he noticed Chi-Woo A heavy silence befell theel who had just appeared
She was beautiful He couldn’t help but adatekeeper and Periel’s beauty were one that transcended gender, this angel was to say the least… different Her slightly arched eyebrows made her look irritated, but even that fitted her She had the elegance of an old art piece and had four pairs of wings—not the feathery wings he had been seeing on angels up until now, but translucent ones like those of a spirit Her appearance alone invoked reverence and devotion, and it wasn’t difficult at all to see that she was different froels
“Finally, you’ve done it…” The angel’s thin neck jerked Her furious voice caused Chi-Woo’s shoulders to slouch He felt coiveness this instant It seemed he wasn’t the only one, since Giant Fist had also fallen into silence after el to be so fearsoh Then she took in some deep breaths with her eyes shut
Giant Fist timidly opened his eyes “It see I didn’t force—”
“Force?” The angel, as finally calain
“No! I didn’t bring him here by force!” Giant Fist waved his hands and jumped from his spot “Sir Choi Chi-Woo really cael looked exasperated by Giant Fist’s quick response, but said, “Well, yeah…I guess you wouldn’t have brought him by force unless you were absolutely insane” Giant Fist twitched, and the angel continued, “However, if you hadn’t made contact with Sir Choi Chi-Woo, he wouldn’t have couel! Wait! I even got perher-ups!”
“Shut up!” A high-pitched shriek rang across the hall, and Laguel turned around like she had nothing more to say to Giant Fist Then she placed one hand on her chest and bowed to Chi-Woo “I sincerely apologize for raisingto break the tension in the air, Chi-Woo quickly asked, “May I ask who you are?”
The angel replied with an indifferent yet polite expression on her face, “It’s not very iet it even if I tell you”
“What do you et?”
“You can just think of all this as a dream No, it’s more precise to say that’s ill do for you, sir”
Chi-Woo bit his lower lip at the angel’s firet what happened today and live the life they truly wished for you to have”
Before Chi-Woo could ask exactly ‘ished for this life, Laguel opened her eyes widely and shouted
“Expel the sound Siible force burst in like a thunderbolt
“No!” Giant Fist stretched out his hand lessly and Chi-Woo instinctively covered his face with both arms
They heard a powerful collision
Pop, pop, pop, pop!
A series of cruuel raised one eyebrow; she had expected to expel Chi-Woo out of this place soundlessly, but instead, a burst of light blinded their eyes andnoise It was as if an intense ball of energy had burst out of a collision point and debris was flowing out of it…
“Ah” An idea popped into her head The released energy couldn’t reach its target It went off its course and hit an unintended object The cru and floor scattered like fireflies What was going on? Laguel looked around her surroundings in puzzlehts faded into view, she doubted her own eyes ‘It can’t be’ she wanted to cry out
Chi-Woo stood fixed in his spot Forget getting expelled, he hadn’t taken even one step backwards And that wasn’t all Over his head, a giant and semi-transparent hand stretched out over hi that not even a single speck of debris would hit hied to say Giant Fist, who had thought everything was over, looked stunned
But he soon struggled to pick his wavering body up “Are you alright? Sir Choi Chi-Woo! Sir Choi Chi-Woo!” He shouted again, and the surrounding suddenly beca; in so on soible space that was abruptly created
Neither Giant Fist nor Laguel could speak Chi-Woo’s both arms were slouched doards He stood crookedly and raised his head slowly After checking Chi-Woo’s face, Laguel was able to guess the cause of this abnormal pheno brilliantly as if they were euel’s eyelids fluttered If the hand had cohest place, the Celestial Realuel could finish her thought, a tremendous collision pierced her eyes
“Kahhhh!” After a brief ained her senses and found herself flying into the air It was impossible to tell if she had been hit or if she had penetrated through the y She si pain and let out a streauel couldn’t see it, Giant Fist saw it; Chi-Woo pulled back his tightly clenched fist and struck it doards the ground Laguel, as speeding away frohly yanked back toward Chi-Woo
“Uhhhh…” Laguel groaned Faint, white light flowed out of her body like blood and caused her to fade frouel raised her head The ure’s eyes, she felt a presence she couldn’t describe; it was an overwhelly squish and flatten her like a bug As her body convulsed, she saw Chi-Woo raise one foot
—You arrogant wench
Stohly sto not to burden my child, but…
Chi-Woo spoke in a lonely and cold voice with his foot on her head
—The things you do are beyond unacceptable I can’t bear to stand by and watch any longer, as it enrages uel’s body tre to find his destiny
Chi-Woo said softly as if he was trying to co child
—But why do you use all means possible to hinder him?
The quiet and caluel ritted her teeth, “Dear Ancestral God…” Laguel shuddered, as she desperately responded, “It’s a…vow I made with him”
—A vow? Ha, a vow
“Aren’t you also aware of it… dear deity? Please haveenergy with the knowledge that she uished by the ancestral God
—H followed that up with uel clenched her eyes shut
—Did you really think of blocking this child’s path just because of one silly vow?
“It wasn’t just a vow!”
—Was that really the conclusion you have reached?
Chi-Woo clicked his tongue and looked down like he pitied her
—How pathetic You are looking to becoel, but you are swayed by your eritted her teeth, but it seemed like she couldn’t refute the deity’s words
—I won’t talk for too long
After a momentary silence, Chi-Woo’s voice sounded firranted the request you er overlapped with the sign of the dragon in four ways Because you , I waited for some time…but
The deity paused for a reat declaration
—As long ascan precede his will Thus, I also can’t wait any longer
Laguel’s face fell into despair at this clear declaration
“Ancestral God!” Laguel shouted but the God didn’t listen to her
—Fu, fu I thought there would be a battle between two heroes withpower, but it seems more like the opposite would happen This will be quite a spectacle
The deity made a satisfied s, they raised their hand to the sky The giant hand that had wrapped around Chi-Woo slowly disappeared, and the dian to dwindle After his pupils returned to their original state, Chi-Woo stumbled heavily His head dreo circles in the air before Chi-Woo fell to the ground Then a sinking silence filled the space Chi-Woo didn’t uel groaned painfully as she looked up Giant Fist stood frozen in his place; after watching the scene that just happened, he partly understood how reckless he had been
‘I thought I hit the lottery…’ Now, Giant Fist couldn’t guess whether hebid Then he recalled what Chi-Hyun had told him in the past
[It’s rare, but there are some people who are born with unbelievable destinies For instance, there’s er brother]
Now, Giant Fist better understood what Chi-Hyun had meant by those words
His blurry vision slowly came into focus When he finally opened his eyes, Chi-Woo saw that he was no longer in the waiting place
“Huh?” Chi-Woo tried to raise his body but laid down again His body wouldn’t , and he didn’t know if it was hi Itdown, sir” Then he heard a low voice Chi-Woo quickly glanced towards his side and blinked Laguel was standing next to his bed quietly What happened? The last thing Chi-Woo re his expulsion He didn’t remember what happened after that
‘It doesn’t see to chase etic now Perhaps he was i it, but her complexion appeared paler than before, and it see It was difficult to believe that she would si so ready to remove hi happened while he lost consciousness Unable to hold in this curiosity, he was about to ask what happened when Laguel spoke first
“Sir Chi-Woo I wish to speak to you about so”
“I will keep it brief, so please pay attention and listen to uel kneeled and arched her torso so that almost half of her body was over the bed “I’m sure that even you think that you had lived an unusual life” Her face looked sincere but also desperate “It’s a life you probably thought of as unfair Even though you tried to find a way to escape, you ended up in a slump Despite it all, you did your best to adapt and endure, but when your brother disappeared, you couldn’t help but burst out in anger”
Laguel continued with sorrowful eyes, “And so, when you saw this Celestial Realht it was the escape route that you had been looking for so long”
“I also know that your first priority is finding your older brother” Laguel nodded like she understood everything “But as soive you a warning” Laguel’s tone sounded h which you’re about to e”
Chi-Woo’s eyebroiggled
“I beg you You can turn back everything even right now”
Chi-Woo got basically what Laguel was telling hi everything he saw here
“What do you …?” Chi-Woo uel, he let out the breath he had been holding in and steadied his breathing “I auel apologized Both knew that meant she couldn’t tell him She said bitterly, “It’s not that I don’t want to tell you It’s just that I can’t I can’t even give a s the vow I erous toabout the vow, Chi-Woo didn’t knohat uess…it can’t be helped…” Chi-Woo took a short breath “I have to meet…my brother personally…and ask”
“Sir Choi Chi-Woo” Seeing that it was unlikely for Chi-Woo to change his uel’s voice becas around now is you, sir!”
Chi-Woo understood why Laguel’s attitude had changed soGiant Fist and Rising tells me, do you think I will be able to findyou for his own personal gains”
Chi-Woo didn’t care about this; it didn’tas he used the other party too
“I ael, sir Should I tell you the truth? If a person of your status came to this place on his own free will, I would have welcomed him with open arms At least, in norly that it one this far to stop you because you don’t have an inkling of what lies before you”
Chi-Woo closed his eyes His heart wavered for a bit Yes, he knew she ly For now, going back home like this was a viable option It wasn’t like he had no fear or hesitation about what the future held for him
“You told me before…” Chi-Woo shook his head “That…you empathize with uel, “But do you knohat I feel…every ti like this…?” Chi-Woo continued, “Ah…I don’t want to live…” He had thought this recently again “Why onlyto live like this…as I born…”
Laguel closed her mouth to sn what she was about to say
“Go back…Yeah, that sounds great…but if I go back like you toldand said, “After uel immediately replied, “Sir, that will never happen”