Chapter 1110 The Bane Of Scorching Flames (1/2)

Chapter 1111 Eyes Of A Passerby

Unbeknownst to both sides, the fight that was getting fought inside the Blue Fire Domain had a spectator

This spectator kept a safe distance from the battlefield and used one of the observation-related Perks to keep tabs on the rankers involved in the fight

This particular Sansara Perk allowed him to have a bird-eye view of the nearby area The only li this Perk was the fact that the user couldn't move fro an ideal position in one place for longer while spying on two teaht not turn out well for most solo rankers However, thisa beaked mask artifact that hid his presence fro hiood job killing those rankers right off the bat It was such a shame she stopped her insanity after that'

Eren said to hiht

Becky couldn't break the siege without the incoot rid of the two rankers right away using the elee The two kills allowed Becky to reduce the ene her as soon as the battle started

As glass-cannonish as her class made her out to be, Becky wasn't a weak ranker per se She understood that one needed to fight if one wanted to survive in and outside the Sansara World It was just that she couldn't convert her understanding intoto struggle alone against the six rankers, Eren watched in a neutral stance as she started to exert th

Till this point, Becky had relied on her team to provide her with protection while she executed AoEs She didn't have to deal with the inco enemies herself for the round once the ene close to her Her Blue Fire Domain allowed her to dominate her opponents when she started But eventually, the enemy rankers made their way toward her slowly and steadily

Becky used various e Blue Fire spells to attack her opponents And her enee she dealt theh to keep them down

A familiar voice sounded in Eren's head as he kept hiht

'Not everybody can enjoy the mortal combats that are thrown their way like you, Eren Not everybody can deal with a life-and-death situation like some leisure activity They fail to use them as a whetstone to sharpen themselves

Rebecca's survival instincts kicked in after she killed those two rankers Instead of continuing her frontal assault, she began playing defense

The kamikaze frontal approach would have served herfor the enemy team to leave her alone Just two kills alone wouldn't deter anyone but the possibility of two more would

The key is to be seen as an uncontrollable h your perforression You could do that This hy Gondel let you go even after you killed three of his tea with you would be worth it because of the collateral da would have happened in Rebecca's case had she proved with her aggression that the fight wouldn't be worth it for the enemy rankers