Chapter 1079 How Project Clean Slate Came To Be P1 (1/2)

Chapter 1080 How Project Clean Slate Caht with the giants

The alliance started asking the right questions of itself after it realized that the power of shapeshi+fting was the key to scoring a defined win against the titans And House Samael, as the leader of the half-blood forces at the tiht set of answers

House Samael declared that it would create an all-inclusive priular rankers as well as half-bloods in their shapeshi+fting"

Eren clenched his fists as he heard Nira speak He knehat the Sage archer was talking about However, he kept cal

"This prien that can attune to pre-existingthem It would allow the half-bloods to shapeshi+ft while strengthening their bodies and bloodlines

Regular rankers could use the sa spells from In this case, it would allow theirthem with a materialistic foundation It would be difficult for the titans to dispel the ular rankers began using the primer matter as their base for transformation

House Samael invested almost all the resources it had in this research It had the expertise and knowledge froinal home Labh Salem to start this research The witches ell versed in bloodline-related projects after all The Anfang Alliance also supported the research by providing it with the ranking resources it needed

Shapeshi+fting was only one aspect of the primer matter

It was supposed to revolutionize the field of ic with its introduction It could be used in various ways in various fields to achieve groundbreaking results"

Eren looked down and narrowed his eyes as he confirmed his doubt

'Yep This is how Eliza came up with the Clean Slate project SheAlliance and used it to create Reen by Arthur's hands'

Primer matter possessed a lot of Reen's inherent qualities One could say that the artificial demon beast's bloodline and her synthesized body were both two sides of the sa what Eliza had said to him when she talked about Reen The Witch of the Enderflame had told him that the research she had used to create Reen was supposed to help hu the calamity of that time

The primer ainst the titans Eliza modified that research to create another vessel for herself A no-conflict vessel that can host her soul and allow her to resurrect without any defects

Eliza had also told Eren that her clan had never declared that it was successful in obtaining tangible results fro Alliance's intentions after it got its hands on the derived results

Nira Nightshade's next words proved so Eren already knew from his talk with Eliza

"The battle with the invaders never stopped while research was going on The alliance kept losing ground to the giants It was also forced to deal with an ever-increasing number of casualties each day

Years passed by and no tangible results were in sight The alliance kept getting impatient while House Samael carried on with its research In these desperate times, somebody else came up with a different solution that wasn't expected by the alliance"