Chapter 1061 Staying Impartial To Enemies Backgrounds (2/2)

Becky agreed with Steve's stateroup before responding

"The moderators should have intervened by now Rufus, the chief ainst these infiltrators, even if he didn't co this long"

Becky wasn't the only one All the other participants fro some form of leeway from the chief moderator Rufus because he was fro when he was adding spice to the grilled s were very catchy He couldn't help singing some of them under his breath as he busied himself ork<readnovelfullcom></readnovelfullco Becky's question

"That's because he's dead"

Eren stopped hearing thesounds of his team at hi a metaphorical patchwork

"IOr he is busy with so much more critical for all we know

My point is… we can't expect any intervention from the moderators At least not for us coeted

Things are anization Midnight Moon is involved in the infiltration The fake participants I killed earlier belonged to that organization"

Eren reht Moon through Serius Fenris He sht Moon and I… let's say that uys have our differences So they tried to target rilled pork and drank a hs, he enthusiastically interrupted Eren

"Hahaha Nothey died so… hoeebly"

Ron was lost in his thoughts until this point It see he was unable to co his doubts

"I understand Edinbugh's politically motivated ambition to continue this event But I don't think it would allow the cultists to intervene So doesn't add up It looks like…"

Eren nodded at Ron before confirht This is what I have been ed froh's side have switched to the other side Or did they already belong to the kingdom of Layos in the first place? We don't know"

Eren saw his tea them

"Don't worry Not all hope is lost The et bound by the same rules as participants if they enter most places accessible to participants There are only a few extra perks to support the We are in the endga you for souard If they fail to maintain a safe distance frorim voice

"Attack first Ask questions later"