Chapter 968 Demon Prince Argo (1/2)
Chapter 969 Variables
Eren gulped down a vial of an expensive mana recovery potion as he looked at Oliver's team with his deep blue eyes His otherworldly nature couldn't be masked when he was in this form
Eren used the potion because he needed to refill his e toll on his round quaked and the V-section of the ground that was cut by the ele a his brand-new spell with exceptional skill as if he had been casting it for a very long time
Behe presence under Eren's feet He didn't kno a close combat expert could cast a spell like this But this was not the tiht then and there before he finished casting the spell Suddenly, he was subjected to the butcher's unleashed soul sense
Oliver was sucked into the illusion of a gory world once again This time he was a bit prepared and partially convinced hi was not real But his soul was affected by Eren's soul sense nonetheless As a result, the ele Eren and Kirin
Eren used his soul sense plus Sedating Gaze to disrupt the ene this, he gained enough time to finish the spell
An earth-element creature was summoned into existence by Eren's spell It had a lizard-like face with a bird-like beak The creature also had exoskeleton fangs near his half-open mouth
The creature had a relatively short horn for its nose A series of horns also peeked through its forehead and other parts of its face The beast had spikes on its back that extended over its tail
His entire body was reen, beast-like callous skin covered its entire body The beastly skin
Since Eren had summoned a D-Rank Behe than what Gilhause had suht to tackle the large elemental sith And since its body was made from earth-element, it served as the perfect counter to a sword's attacks
The beast stood on four giant, pillar-like legs He had green eyes that shi+ned brightly from time to time And he also developed white spots all over his body