Chapter 936 Taking Over Healers Nirvana (1/1)

Chapter 937 Tyrant

Eren failed to copy Lensa's Ability for himself even after four consecutive days of "research" He could only conclude that his Sin series-based Ability was not as convenient as he wanted it to be

He needed to build his foundation in the light ele her Ability for hied to obtain and refine Lensa's eleh for him They had left some blank spots that he needed to fill in hiot over it quickly He was only trying his luck And it was not like the Sin series Ability did not work at all He would need to strengthen his foundation before trying his hand again

Eren was keen to have Lensa's Ability for himself because of the potential it carried in his eyes He believed that he could use that Abilityhis luck with Lensa, Nina settled into Corvo Bianco vineyards The valley had becoot to work i up arrays and ele in the valley

Nina was soon joined by Jiana Jihang and the rest of the healers in Healers' Nirvana Theand processing resources related to healing Eren, therefore, settled the was offered alements as Nina on the other side of the Corvo Bianco vineyards The kingdo her guild into White Raven when she entered the city But seeing the valley made all her worries vanish into thin air She knew she could regrow the ranking resources her guild was previously fauild lands of Healers' Nirvana would take a while to recover from the elemental contamination RDX had caused The contamination wasn't harmful to the environment or the human population But mana-sensitive resources couldn't be cultivated on those lands anymore??????????????m

To rid the land of contamination, either a lot of time had to pass or external intervention had to be conducted Eren didn't have tiuild lands previously owned by Healers' Nirvana as soon as possible by having Agatha conduct an auction in Curar

Jiana Jihang was totally against Eren's decision to sell the lands Her euild lands were too strong to see the practicality of Eren's move But fortunately or unfortunately for Jiana, her opinions couldn't influence Eren's decisions The man did whatever suited hi Eren a tyrant after he conducted an auction for the unusable properties and other ranking resources of Healers' Nirvana she had safeguarded frouildresources suitable for theuild So Jiana had sos about hiret her decision to assi hi She was not as proficient at leading a guild as she had thought herself to be A leader needed to be callous about uild as a whole-- even if it turned out that soet haratha reconfirht that Eren was only exaggerating when he said that Agatha was able to do a better job than her as an administrator

When she saw the half-blood work like she always did, she realized it was the co Agatha as much credit as she deserved She practically ran the whole show for him

Jiana and all the other B-ranked entities of the White Raven guild started preparing theram under Eren's orders They needed tojourneys and elemental attainments before the war erupts All so that they could participate in the ith an added advantage

Eren didn't want the core uild involved in the war Especially if they were B-ranked entities But he also knew that stopping Jiana froainst hiht Moon to suffer a tre a borrowed knife But that could only ive up the idea of eance

The rank-up prograuild was about to end Fro to be zero casualties in the first program After all, Eren had only selected those who could handle the prograher-ranked entities was scheduled to start shortly after that Nina, Amory, Jiana, Levine, Zethos, and a fewto participate If Araht away It uild would have a fored to attain the rank of Adept during this ti because she did not spend rowth

There were h-quality resources she received, her enhanced ranking technique, her diligent work despite being busy with city-related affairs, and a bit of fine-tuning from Eren's lust-induced epiphany They all had a hand to play

But the biggest reason for her groould have to be the fact that she had become self-motivated The more she was put under pressure, the more her talent as a ranker and an administrator blossomed