Chapter 866 Ever-Prosperous Domain Of Death (2/2)

"Eren Idril!"

Tia spoke Eren's naony when her eyes landed on hiainst their ambush pletely After the sword slash Eren inflicted on her, she suffered eventhat it bled at a consistent pace It n mana invasion And the surprise attack made her more apprehensive about Eren's sudden presence

"Don't… don't get cocky Eren Idril You and your forces will soon roups It's only a matter of time before they all arrive here and…"

Tia atte Eren unfounded threats Too bad the latter wasn't in the mood to entertain her on that front


Swoosh Zoom Chop

Eren chopped Tia vertically while she was trying to inti at Eren's previous position when Eren's vertical chop landed on her

Tia was still using a defensive artifact on her Thus, Eren's randoed to break free from spatial restrictions and split her into two The two chopped pierces of Tia's body were uneven in nature because the attack was jagged in the et a little cocky, Miss It's a foret cocky about it"

Eren said a feords to Tia's body nonchalantly The elf's body spilled guts, kidneys, and other internal organs onto the ground as well as blood Her good-looking body was no longer good-looking

Eren turned around to find that Alephee hadcare of the rest of the injured rankers He looked at the scene with i

"Heh! Done already? This is why I love boenext time"

The terrorist decided to terrorize his potential victiame
