Chapter 854 A Nice Autumn Evening For Ambush And Assassination (2/2)

But she was never this delusional

Sienna was a scheirl who kne to think for herself She was not hard-working With the right use of her influence, she was able to cover up her flaws in the past

However, everything changed when she visited the city of Nilaami and was sold as an experience pack She became a different person after that She still tried to think out of the box and bend the rules her way But she didn’t have her exceptional ith her anyradually The treatment she received for that incident treated the symptoms but not the root cause It looked like the illusion spell was also giving her the impression that she was a special child

Soan decided to be the deliverer of just that

“Things ork out for you no anup

“Okay Riddle me this What is the basis for your confidence, Sienna? You had told us that you’d be apprenticed to Levine after joining LA You had told us that you were planning tofor the clan

You assured us that you would focus on potioning You pro trouble for anyone you , you told us that you’d take charge and handle the clan’s business affairs

Have any of the things you proated to conducting a that is completely beyond your level of expertise

Your position in the farie”

Regan finally said what he had been thinking He had been wanting to say this to Sienna for a very long time But he couldn’t do it because of her status Now that Sebastian had lost all ian dared to speak about it

Sienna scrunched her nose when she heard Regan’s rant She wanted to defend her stance using the right words But somehow, she couldn’t find the up


AN: Regan Slughorn was mentioned in chapter 705