Chapter 833: Monopoly (1/2)

Chapter 834: An A-Rank’s Apperance

Sebastian had a grim look on his face

He had to ad at hihter But turns out they were a class apart

Levine's talk also s clear for him That Eren was no pawn He was one of the uild's success, if not the only one

Eren watched Sebastian's facial expressions change as he spoke about how thoroughly he had planned House Slughorn's downfall He really liked the look on the old man's face He would have recorded it on the array disk if he had one in his storage space

Eren finished drinking his ale and gave a s nonchalantly

"Master Sebastian, these do today My network is still in its growing phase, you see

These programs will all run concurrently And I can't deal with the spike in deht by these presentations alone What will I do when the first batch of custo even ned a contract with so houses They will only handle nature products

Of course, thesehubs will receive their own commissions from the profits But I'm fine with a bit of loss in revenue to create a monopoly in the doal way"



Sebastian slammed his hand on the table and alth midway and only cracked the surface of the table a bit It doesn't take ry

"How how could those idiots not see the aftereffects ofyour products on contracts? Have they becoe-like voice lost its calry at the sanature told hi about the develop hubs

Sebastian was stillhis house's potion production affairs And he was sure that no offer ca the contract manufacture of potions

Sebastian was made to reconfirhorn And nothing else There was no auy wanted to destroy everything his House had built over generations of doing business and earning fame for itself

Eren could clearly understand what the oldabout, thanks to his soul sense He had co his soul sense himself As such, he couldn't inti with lower-ranked entities