Chapter 738 The Process Of Achieving (2/2)

Alephee was about to hostly eyes on her In the next ed in the water intensified As a result, her

Eren'sthat only Alephee's body had gotten slower He approached her without any fear at this point His sword gets charged with his lightning-ele to Eren as she saw him approach her while in a state of epiphany She could only s the effects of the ti subjected to

Eren had fused his two time-element spells into one to acquire a unique ability He did not need to cast Sedated Perception and Stunning Speed separately anyrant him the effects of both the spells

And this ability could be activated with his eyes But that was not the whole story

The ti transformed into abilities The ability could now force Eren's opponents to process ti their bodies to a different passage of time

Ithis eneain an overwhele over his opponents even if the debuff lasts for a short period

This was a truly terrifying ability When activated at the right time, it had the potential to create loads of flaws in Eren's opponent's defense He would be able to land a critical blow on theht

Eren had pleasantly surprised Alephee by acquiring this ability Usually, only innate or inherent spells have a higher chance of turning into an ability In the end, even a prodigy Adept ranker was not usually qualified to transform one of his spells into abilities, nospells

It was true that Alephee's existence had allowed Eren to acquire the ability faster However, that did not negate the efforts he had put in

This was his first Ability he had gained by putting in the efforts Not so that was bestowed by some otherworldly statue or bloodline As such, it spoke volu like this

This was no luck Eren had been et his time-element spells to turn into an ability for hiy to synthesize the ability for hi and diligence

Alephee had to adht It was just that his talent lay in putting in s


AN: Chapter 421 mentions how Eren trains himself to use Sedated Perception so that it could eventually become an ability for him