Chapter 724 Creating a Homunculus P2 (1/2)
Chapter 722 Muddled Meuys?"
Oslo looked at the two nated rendezvous point His aura told the two men Oslo wasn't happy with their performance
The two men were severely battered and in terrible shape It was apparent that so had happened to the because that was not his job His duty was to deal a heavy blow to White Raven teaed to Demonmir's faction He was sent here by Nico Chains, the condor-owning deuild's activities The beast tauild So he had sent one of his men to handle the situation on-site
Oslo was a e couldn't be discerned because he earing an iron mask His choice of clothes was odd– plate ar clothes with tacky colors His iron ot killed We were the only two that survived"
One of the men replied to Oslo He looked terrified when he started re the hell that was unleashed on the entire Escalon guild's team by the Orcs warriors out of the blue
The otherthe events that had taken place ever since the teaan When he was done, Oslo seemed even more annoyed He looked at theh theme that your entire team was basically wiped out before you could even properly deal with the White Ravens? And this was not even your first atteht?"
Oslo seemed more appalled by the members' competence than he was shocked at this point He looked at the further
"Wow It wasn't what I expected frouild who have the Paladin of Pain in their uild they are part of"
Oslo said in a disappointed voice He had also assumed that the White Raven had its card in its sleeves to keep its members safe However, since it was the third atteuild, he assumed its members would be able to overcoanization would make the same mistake twice
It alsoDe the the two rankers to hand over the array disk he had given the Escalon guild beforehand
One of the two edy that struck the it over to Oslo
This was a spying and intelligence-gathering artifactether runes It would show the current activities of the person whose aura it had received upon activation The person needed to be in a certain range for the array disk to work
Plus, the ether-ele used That meant there was only a liets destroyed