Chapter 700 Bert (1/2)

Chapter 678 Rewarding Sharog

The river of tiliet blurred in theirSooner or later, the clock resets and everything returns to normal

Only time can tell what it has in store for its travelers

The Oni festival was about to start in a few days

Sharog's private cha tribe 6 PM

"My lord, you are back"

Sharog greeted Eren by hugging his her back before proceeding to caress her cape-covered back

"How is everything?"

Eren pulled away fro and smiled He looked around and found the place to be just as it was the last ti's comfy bed and laid peacefully on his back

The fresh air was e s of the chae,the chamber well lit yet not too warm on the eyes

Eren could s cooked so other than food this time,

Eren found the bed to be very plushy and easy to relax into Sharog had paid special attention to herbetter than the last time

Eren positioned himself comfortably on the bed and turned to his side He then used his folded ar the space on the bed beside hi was happy to oblige She laid beside herup

"My lord, since Durbag is the one who created the array I told you about, he is considered as one of the leads of the rebel faction He is planning to use the siphoning array to trap the king before killing him with the help of someone named Deiz

Deiz is what hu won't be easy even for so on the siphoning array to do its job"

Eren nodded his head as he placed his free hand on Sharog's curvy waist His soft touch created waves of pleasure in the Orc Lord's seductive body She proceeded to tell hi about the rebel faction's plan to overthrow Har Jahar

Sharog gave detailed reports of the Oni festival that was going to be held in the Oni dungeon as Eren's hand started exploring her body She controlled her urges and did what she was asked to do,Eren appreciate her even more