Chapter 599 No Rest for the Wicked P2 (2/2)

Agatha had done her part just as the butcher asked She had targeted the weaker owners first She offered thes escalated beyond her financial capabilities, she would use Tuan as a deterrence​

Thankfully, Tuan and his poere enough to deal with the few skiratha only chose to deal with the owners who could be manhandled by Tuan if push came to shove 'Only put pressure on those e could afford to put pressure on' The butcher had said to her

Agatha handed Eren thecontracts of ex-owners of the nearby land for him to inspect as they walked side by side Each of thecontracts marked the space on the ht up and flash the owner's name over the folded contract scroll The piece of land nearby would also react to the contract if it were nearby The earth array setup in eachspectral screen

Seeing that he was in the vicinity, Eren imbued the contract scrolls he held in his hand before activating the display of ownershi+p function Within seconds, the ground on which he was standing along with distant grounds flashed his or Agatha's na than what I had iined it to be"

The butcher s displayed over a large expanse of land Barren and in the shabby state it ht be in, this was the place he could call his own This was his achievement

Compared to his previous life where he didn't know if he'd be able to eat a hearty e step-up The scenes of his past hardshi+ps started playing in front of hiatha and quietly waited for so before another series of rental carriages pulled at a steady pace by strong F-Rank colts was seen coroup's direction The butcher was still busy enjoying his satha prompted him

"Eren, Tuan is back with our potioner staff and souild"

It took a while for Eren to turn around and look in the direction of the carriage fleet that was heading its way He so's vision to zoo at thee

"Took you a while What were you doing all this ti one of his hands in his pants' sleeves The latter had worn a e of fire-element mana around him made Tuan easy to spot even with the mask on

"It's all your fault, Eren"

Before Eren could ask Tuan what he atha who seemed to be on schedule today

"Where do you want the construction to take place? The place we had decided last night while fu Cough I mean the updated place or the place that you had previously thought was a satha's answer He pondered for a bit before replying

"The place we ca on the Kukenan Plateau Heh! If nothing else, that place will at least provide us with a better view"


Renar yelled fro attention to what the butcher was saying even fro conversation Because he suddenly had s to do

Eren started discussing things with Agatha and the leader of the earth-element Adept ranker who had visited the place at Eren's request The butcher had hired his guild's services When the plan was finalized, the Adept ranker nodded and led his team to the plateau

The day did not stop for anybody Before Eren could keep track of tiray clouds gathering in the backdrop of the orange-lit sky reduced the daylight even more But thankfully, the construction of the very first building on the barren land was co that stretched for about 100 e halls for various purposes along with a lot of rooe of purposes

This building had no perile piece of furniture or a runic enhance in it that could tell the onlookers that the building belonged to a wealthy ured out

But this was Eren's start And he could swear that, at this moment, it looked many times more lavish than even the wealthiest of facilities he had seen in his past

The earth-element rankers had done their job well Eren had only paid for their basic services And that's what he got for his raved by the Adept ranker at the grand entrance to the building, serving as its welco, the array eye was blinking dimly

Eren walked up the array eye with s they could see His group was behind hiatha She too had a face with a lot of e breath and tried to capture the e and iht over the array eye

The scroll disappeared into the array eye, and a distinct mana pulse was released In the next hts shot into the air that displayed a name that was not known to many

White Raven Guild!


AN: Kukenan is a real place The plateau's real-life dimensions have been retained ;)

VEH punches in 600 chapters with this release Thanking all the readers forit here with Eren and me Cheers!