Chapter 542 Preparing for the Showdown (2/2)


Lily watched as Tuan disappeared fro his warning


In the next oblin cry was heard by Tuan and Lily The first to come out of the cave was Wilder He was covered in his blood as well as monster blood The expressions on his face and the way he executed his ethe first to co hi artifact to keep both of the theon fumes now Without Kat's support, he wouldn't have made it to the outside of the cave

What followed theoblins, he had black hair on his scalp tied into a ponytail He earing gaudy earrings that made his earlobes stretch doards

The Goblin Lord was also wearing what looked like to be pants made of thick beastly skin The front of his chest that wasn't covered by his armor featured runic tattoos He was a 9-foot-tallhis head as he chased the three intruders that had coilance You don't have to fight any us or our kills'

Tuan spoke into the group voice channel Since everyone was out of the monster cave, ID communication could be used to communicate with each other

Wilder, who had just coe state, looked exhausted He wanted to crash at a nearby place But he knew the fight with the Goblin Lord would get violent He didn't want to becouy who he feared more than the Goblin Lord at the time

So Ketsu, Kat, and Wilder retreated into the distance following Tuan's orders He had become the de facto leader of every raid they hadnon-stop to clear theto his orders came naturally to all of theeted other contestants under Tuan's orders There was no such thing as a rankers code in a coet a couple of rankers with his whole group of five rankers including him And overwhelm them with numbers

If Layla was here, she would have objected to the butcher's way of dealing with these things Because these acts were usually perforonists in the stories she had read so far The thing she hated theh sheer breakthroughs, the villainous side that the butcher was usually a part of aled to win This went opposite to her fairy tale logic

It was no exception this time either


Thehad cut the tendons of the backs of his knees all of a sudden He shouldn't have been hurt by the cut from the Ace Rank artifact But since his natural defense was compromised due to his ht unaware, it made it easy for the hidden assassin to do the job she was assigned to do

The ht to his knees He shook his head and slapped hi his senses back to nor off around hiht to himself as he activated the array trap in which the monster was currently trapped