Chapter 521 Monster Drops (2/2)

Katalina was frozen in her tracks when she heard how blatant Tuan was in his speech The latter spoke soue with hi to question your abilities as a ranker but your mindset, Katalina Take what happened between us for exa to look to the audience watching us fro how continued engageical conclusion and ht choice Maybe it was a sht for you

Sort of like cutting your losses early and turning your ht? But have you considered that ression?"

The butcher asked and retrieved a potion he had in his storage It was the saiven hi the concoction, Tuan was revitalized and he didn't need to put up a front anymore

Tuan didn't show it but he was tired fro such explosiveness in such a short tiainst Katalina There was one ue that Katalina had overlooked

Total Control!

Tuan had been using this support-type ti of his battle What it did was simple It would allow the time-element mana to be mixed with all his other ele times

This was hoas able to overwhelm Katalina in such a short tiainst her and her contract beast were all strengthened by his time-element spells

Total Control reduced his other ele times and limited their effects to be delivered within a short span, increasing their explosiveness and effectiveness

Tuan's attainht it was His tiard, Total Control was the butcher's most effective support type spell in his arsenal yet It allowed hiain full control of his spells and tap into all their potential

But the spell also increased Tuan's mana expenditure If it wasn't for the support potion he had drunk earlier before using Total Control, he would have shown signs of fatigue much earlier

"You… you were faking it You made it look like it was so simple to you You you rascal…"

Katalina raised her finger and pointed at Tuan in an accusing manner The latter chuckled and threw the e, he blasted the bottle and dispersed it with a s ue thatin battle with ression wasn't all fake"

The butcher stood up and summoned his neeapons in his hands He smiled crookedly at the fe

"Try me if you want to"