Chapter 502 Array Traps P2 (1/2)
Chapter 503 Gaining Red Lightning
"What's up, lil' bitch?"
The butcher extended a war to his only audience
At first, the creature of wrath didn't react But it slowly dawned on hiuy he had come to loathe so dearly It added to his fury that he couldn't do anything to Eren even when he wanted to tear the guy to shreds This was because of his newfound physicalrate
Eren flashed ahis talk
"Do you still remember me? This is your deputy vice-captain, Eren Idril I'ood for all your sneaky attempts to stabaround the creature with his ar the creature like it was some sculpted statue of intricate details carved upon its surface
"And oh yeah One way or the other, I'ine is all you can do anyway Since you won't stay alive after tonight Haha!"
Eren said when he circled back to his previous position, facing the creature in front of hiether When it did, it released another angry roar as its size expanded some more
The flesh of Sid's body started stretching way past its elastic lirown muscles were ripped out of the thin layer of skin that was holding theether
As the butcher continued to spew venoer was pushed beyond the limit Finally, his body burst into a million pieces of flesh, blood, bones and inning He had cast a thin layer of non-ele drenched in Sid's re where Sid's body was The guy was always angry at Eren fro oil to that fire hat made the flame even more refined than it was supposed to be
Eren welcoht palet absorbed by his flesh
Eren felt like his entire body had been set on fire But he didn't feel threatened by it He welco inside his body
Hisat a rapid rate Hisnewstatus was i at a remarkable pace
A dense cloud of Ace rank h into the liquid stage of the Ace rank and kept cli at the ti-element user just like him He had attained a sufficient level ofNow the butcher was digesting Sid's gains andthehtning all this ti bloomed amid the mana cloud One could see that Eren's eyeballs were stillunder the closed eyelids as he processed Sid's acco's destructive aspect!
Eren was always fahout his previous timeline, he honed and perfected that part of his elehtning acquired a new property