Chapter 466 Minervas Utopia (2/2)
This cruel world owed her nothing It was her job to take advantage of everything it had to offer
'Personal interests are of pararanted when you extend it to your friends And don't get burned in the fire you set for your enemies'
Eren had once told her
His actions, his principles, and his indoile psyche at that ti in insane ae wouldn't normally invest in Rankers had their personal lives too after all
Yet, Agatha witnessed Eren spend hours on end during potioning experi practice He would then carry on doing his routine without taking any breaks He would meet up with his clients in the most professional ways and carry out overt and covert deals that hadviolent at the moment's notice
The kind of coatha feel how naive she was in expecting the world to help her when she needed it She realized that the world doesn't bend to anyone's will Not unless you force it to
And when Eren gave so atha metamorphosed into the kind of woman she had become– practical, business-minded, and someone ould put her interests first Her and her atha's journey with Eren started with her hating his guts to her core and wanting nothing more than to kill him Then when she was enslaved by hied into being neutral about everything before finally transfor productive
She wanted to learn all that she could froht that she was cooperating with hie But with time, she realized that he had taken the place of her kin in her eyes That's because in the whole orld, only he taught her how to handle life How to deal with the eer and hatred How to channel the productive
So when the opportunity to be intiatha, she didn't shy away from it either She had become an opportunist like hiatha didn't care about how cruel and cold-hearted he was to his ene with different people, changing the colours of his personality to blend in with the anthrope didn't care about Altashi+a either At this ht was to share the moments of passion with her master
This was a man who had iven her courage and confidence when there was nobody in her life that could do that for her
The young anthrope had decided that tonight would be her time to be selfish about what she wanted the ht long in her carnal desires
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