Chapter 424 Kill Steal (1/2)

Chapter 425 Orc Lord Baran

"da, youthief

Alas, it was too late

The night sky in Lyon's eyes lit up with purple lights as Eren used his weapon to attack once again It was about to chop off the in-flight Orc Leader's head But then a D-Rankcovered in quicksilver

The flying slash landed on the metal-like surface of the quicksilver that protected the orc and nullified Ere's attack without showing any form of wear

'Orc Lord is here'

Lyon and Eren both got wary of their surroundings all of a sudden as they both thought of the sa the Orc Leader and retreated to the outskirts of the camp


Ain the vicinity and suddenly an 8 feet Orc Lord appeared on the battlefield He had finally decided to show hi of his tribe ish facial characteristics as his lower-ranked brethren But so He had a fresh scar on his face that looked like it was struggling to n es that see outward

The Orc Lord also had a straight posture unlike the Orc Leaders and Orc Soldiers Further a watchful eye on his surroundings while keeping his guard up His grey hair was a ard– clearly indicating that he had aged But his eyes shone with a distinct intelligence that couldn't be found in other orcs

The Orc Lord looked around and saw the carnage that had been unleashed inside his tribe's camp He looked at the dead bodies of his co all the hu to run

"You hu voice, the Orc Lord spoke in hue He spread hishuman rankers tried to flee from the battlefield when they were affected by the er Most of theed to keep on running thought that their efforts were going to be in vain

Sid's condition didn't improve even when he was an Ace ranker His ht in the monster's mana sense worsened his condition and ht

The Orc Lord on the other hand didn't focus on anyone that see away fro affected by his mana sense at all