Chapter 412 Aftermath (2/2)

Eren narrowed his eyes as he suddenly re she represented to the current hi through his entire body if he decided to relive the

Eliza's voice kept reverberating in his head as he took out another Sativa stick and lit it up

Eren thought as he kept on thinking about the way Eliza had worded her intentions to hiht

'That was a good piece she had written Do all Sages need to possess such skills? Hehehehe!'

Eren chuckled to hiht stuck in his head and kept on growing

Audience or not, Eren felt like he needed to voice his feelings too So he took a long drag from his Sativa stick and released a cloud of s aloud

"As their dried and dead blood

Paint my skin merlot

My calluses are chipped away

And liberated are hts

Their souls shall be torn asunder

Their bodies shall nourish the soils

The debtor will settle the debts

Wasted not will be my toils

To find peace

Amid a clusterfuck of misery

All I need is but a chance

To rewrite my history

My mask of sanity slips away

There's nobody to tell the tale

Even the Gods won't see it co

When a Vile Evil Hides Under the Veil"

A moment after Eren declared his declaration, he threw the butt of his s in the same direction he had coet busy for a while


AN: End of Volume 02

Skip this if you want

Volume 02 of VEH concludes with this chapter We also reached the collective o

Voluion would be different fros e

Hoas volu forward to in volume 03? Let me know in the comment section of this chapter

I take this milestone as an opportunity to thank the entire reader base of VEH It wouldn't have been possible tospecial thanks to the top GT contributors: Daoist930799,special thanks to Top 10 VEH fans: Daoist930799, VenoHippopotamus, Jeffrey_Hatter, Edward_Wood_jr, and Chris_Garry

That's it See you all in volume 03 Cheers! ;)