Chapter 389 A Dash of Creativity P3* (2/2)
Eren flipped a few pages and kept on reading
"Mutagen The component of the blood that allows the half-bloods to tap into their bloodline powers But what is en at its core?
My research into this field has been refined, thanks toIt has allowed me to form a hypothesis that is based on a lot of research-oriented data
Mutagen is, inpre-established innate spells bound by nature itself The key was given to the et it for humankind as well Thus, the half-bloods were born
One particular thing about the human species is that it doesn't have its innate spell by birth A pure human bloodline doesn't have any key that can unlock any pre-established spell But surprisingly or unsurprisingly, it can act as an ideal host for one
With this key, the half-bloods can acquire their innate spells faster than normal humans obtain their inherent spells The time hich they turn their innate spell into their abilities should also bewhen compared to norress faster in the way of the elements because it contains the very secrets of the eleen is coht have been seen as an unfair advantage by normal human rankers"
Eren had coar fellow's conjectures were right on point He applauded the guy internally as he had his third chicken leg and kept on reading
"It see clan who had gotten their hands on the bloodline of some mythical creature Since then, they have becoens was further enhanced after obtaining the bloodline
Several documents hint at the calamity that took place even before the redaction of history It see up withwith the calamity at hand"
Eren finished another roasted chicken leg and cleaned his hands with the napkin placed beside hi over what he had read so far
'Hmm Know thy muedy But since even this Edgar fellow couldn't findthe surface
If only I could get ar's journals Or perhaps meet him in a friendly ht to hiatively
'Naah He would be a high-ranking entity even if he is alive if I' Why would he help ar's journal
"Heh! This House of Samael was made up of a bunch of visionary rankers"