Chapter 365 Remedy for the Nightmares P1 (1/2)

Chapter 366 Rehtmares P2

"Layla… you… Do you have any reto :

"If my master wanted to break you, you would have been certified idiot by now, Eren Idril Try to reet scared or inti or speaking in euphe you do when faced with soetting affected by it You do not let your emotions make your unawakened soul vulnerable more than it already is

Mywith you But her soul sense as a Sage was bound to affect you because of your breakdown there

Your nightmares are because of the external influence you have on your soul right now A residual influence, which should eventually vanish on its own

These night it'd take depends on your soul and its ability to get rid of foreign influence"

Eren finally understood there was an external reason behind his night crazy He looked at the ranked bottle of liquor and had another urge to uncork it

The butcher fought that urge and asked Layla:

"Give me a solution, Layla Is there any way to expedite this process?"

Layla looked at Eren's condition He was still sweating all over She could still shake his body and sighed The young witch thought for a while before answering:

"There is indeed a solution I can think of right off the bat It could be beneficial for you in the long run as well You can try ingesting the stalks of Stellar Sativa that can help you get rid of foreign influences on your soul It could also aid in strengthening your subconscious control over your soul

It is a ranked herb Its rarity increases with the increase in rank Safe to say, its price would increase with it too I don't kno rare it is nowadays But since it is needed in the concoction recipes of a lot of potions, it wouldn't be that difficult to get"

The E-Rank booze was again stored within Eren's ID storage He had bought it to drink at his leisure, after all He wouldn't be drah to break it for no reason and waste his Extols or his beloved booze He had just refused to drink it when he was emotionally at his weakest

"Do you have any stalks on you? I don't think I'd be able to sleep without so like that in my system these days"

Eren wiped the sweat off his forehead and asked with a bit of hope in his eyes Sadly, he was going to be disappointed by the young witch's answer:

"Of course not Eren, Stellar Sativa gets spoiled if you store it carelessly without using an array Since it is easy to obtain, the potioners would just get it when they need it"

Eren's expressions turned grim when he heard Layla's response He was low-key scared to try to sleep now

"Is there… any other te a no in response But this time Layla surprised his? They seemed to work for a leecher like you"

Layla intended it as a joke, of course But the latter found it plausible and he was ready to give it a shot

Eren thought ofwith Layla for her rude tone of voice He raised his eyebrows before asking in disbelief:

"Lewd things hom? You?"

Layla seeer soon after:

"Pervert… I knew you were eyeing me Stay away from me I… I suddenly don't feel safe with you"

Eren heard Layla's exaggerated reply and snorted before replying:

"Eyeing you? Pfft! With that flat chest of yours, the possibility of that is lower thanbeaten down by a rankless huo and…"