Chapter 318 - Life Drain P1 (2/2)

The vitality-sucking wraith would be able to suck your vitality as soon as she touched you You can only try to avoid contact That's the right way The second best is that you cut her ar her body

Still, the discovery of a deviant wraith isn't all terrible Hehe! I'll tell you of another ainst these wraiths which the cheeky rascal conveniently avoided sharing with you

Deviant's wraith's eyes turn the ethereal energy found in the life force into a liquid for to say?'

Eren processed what Alephee told him as he watched as the mini battles between his fire snakes and the wraiths intensified He immediately felt as if he had a salty taste in his mouth He confirmed to be sure:

'You mean, I have to…'

'Yepp! You can drink the tears to gain your lost vitality back and then so unpalatable despite how it looks

You can also store it away for later use Even a single drop will do the trick If you process it using your ranking technique properly, it can be beneficial for you and help you get over the bottleneck in your ranking

I'd suggest you take out the eyeballs of that wraith and store thee They would be able to produce a drop or tithin a week or two on their own even after they are taken out

The re those tears for a few months…'

'Keep it concise, Alephee We don't haveabout the health benefits of having a deviant wraith's eyes in his possession That's because soon his three attackers and he would be within striking distance of each other

The fire-ele them to slon considerably But it couldn't finish the to disappear because Eren felt like his headache would soon make hi care of theon his ht the horde of the wraiths, the gri to be in the end What if he had to be in the fight with the look on his face when he realized the kind of soup he had found himself in As if to take pity on hiive him some hope:

'Don't worry, Eren This place follows the rules of real life for the ht You only need to fight them till dawn arrives, which is ten hours from now as per your perception of time

Their bodies would burn, and their spectral forms would be destroyed They'll be taken care of on their ohen that happens

You don't necessarily have to win against all of the wraiths As I said earlier, you just need to survive the seven days on the first floor Hehe! Isn't it easy? Do your best'


AN: Thanks A9C for the gifts